Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 24, Messages: 5369

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lower abs and chest

Posts: 23
Joined: 2006/12/13
2007/04/11, 05:52 PM
Hi guys, from squats and lunges and some ab exercises. im starting to get some descent abs, however I can see the top four when i flex, but the bottom 2 are hard to see, i just wondered if that is normal. perhaps that's where that bit of fat lies which covers up those abs or if i need some lower ab exercises added to my program.. also i'm trying to improve my chest, i can bench 205 2 or 3 times but i want to increase it because i have done that weight for a couple weeks now.. though it hasn't improved. any input is great.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/08/06
United States
2007/08/06, 03:57 PM
Chest- Make sure you're taking breaks in between work outs. Take a two days off an entire week.
Posts: 308
Joined: 2003/11/08
United States
2007/08/07, 02:58 PM
you generally store more fat below your belly button and the only way to get those abs to show is diet and cardio.
Posts: 25
Joined: 2007/04/12
United States
2008/01/10, 10:59 AM
To make huge gains in your chest? Here is what I did. I started out with the highest possible weight that I knew I could do 4x8 on your own, for me it was 185. Then every 2-3 weeks I would add on a 2 1/2. Which is 5lbs more during the cycle.
My rule of thumb is to always get a lift off because you use a lot of energy getting the weight off and make sure your spotter never touches the bar unless it is absolutely necessary. Try that out and see how it works.


Currently: 6\'2 220lbs
Bench: 280 4x8
Max: 350
Incline: 230 4x8
Max: 290
Leg Press: 810 4x15

Try Not,
Do or Do Not,
There is No Try
Posts: 8
Joined: 2008/02/19
United States
2008/02/20, 05:17 PM
thats right. For your chest always do about 80% of what you can bench with low reps. Do a pyramid style where its maybe 8 reps, but then add onto the weight maybe 2 1.5 on each side and do 6 reps. For your chest you want to do low reps high weight. But dont forget! The bench isnt the only place to improve your chest. Use dumbell presses and flys. I guarantee it will work.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2009/03/21
2009/03/21, 01:49 AM
you should do abdominal workout

Place hands under your butt
that way it won't hurt your back and it is easy to lift

put your knees together and then lay it straight ahead then lift you can really feel the muscle on the lower abs

Do about 15-20 or more if you want ,do that everyday and you'll get it :)
