I ust recently joined this site and me being the lazy person that i am actually find the work outs fun...but the diet part of it is killin me....I can't eat as much food as it says...I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 227 lbs...i carry the bulk of my weight in my upper torso from neck to hips basically...well i put in my info and it shot back this nutrition plan with what seems to me an insane amount of calories...like 3000 or so, 37g of fat, 227g of protien and 346g of carbs...i cannot eat that much food literally i have tried and feel like crap...i understand that i dont' eat enough which is part of my problem sometimes i won't eat for 2 days at a time except coffee and maybe a bologna sandwich...most times i only eat once a day
so what foods can i eat that will help with the calorie count wont go over the fat grams and not make me feel like I'm a horse with a feedbag strapped to my head
Look in the general fitness forum for the WSSC food plan - it is an easy plan that has really worked for myself and others - but you do have to eat!
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle