Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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my plateu

Posts: 37
Joined: 2004/08/18
2007/05/12, 01:49 AM
Hi, ive been doing the same workout for about a year now. I workout 6 days a week and i divide almost each main muscle group into one day (sometimes throwing in chest twice a week beacuse its small). I do 4 sets and 6 reps....i have found that i am not gaining as much muscle as i did at the first 6 months of this routine campared to the last 6 months. Should I consider changing my routine around? or should i start doing a little more reps to shock my body? keep in mind I am still trying to gain muscle. I also want to work on my cardio beacuse i am not a very good long distance runner, and i need to work on it for police testing. How can I incorperate my cardio with my weightlifting routine? should i do it on my off days or before/after i workout? and how much should i run for without worrying that i am loosing the mass that i need. It seems like alot of questions but if anyone could please get back to me then that would be perfect....thank you

2007/05/13, 04:13 PM
#1 6 days a week is probably too much
#2 focus on lifts not bodyparts
#3 look to improve in big lifts
#4 lower reps

#5 do complexes for improved conditioning while in the weight at the end of normal workouts
#6 do HIIT while outside the weight room to improve the overall conditioning.
#7 do a day a week of actual running the distance you're going to need to test in....

very simple example of what you could do:

-Back Squats
-Front Squats
-Saxon Bends
-Highly recommend doing some form of grip training here(crush)

Tuesday: (choose a day you're least sore on avg)
-Standing Overhead Press(pick from Push Press, Military Press, Jerks, Bent Press, Side Press)
-Bench variation
-Weighted Dips(use weight only if needed)
-Weighted Russian Twists
-grip training(Pinch)

-Weighted Chin Ups(use weight only if needed)
-Bent Over Rows
-Weighted Crunches
*use chalk for deadlifts if you need extra help holding on to weight
-you may want to do some levering to strengthen your wrists

3 sets of 5 for each exercise works well...with 2-3 minutes rest between working sets....warm up to the working set...with last set being just about what you can do for 5 good reps....

for complexes pick a few big lifts and do 20-30% of your max in the limiting lift and do it for all lifts for reps of 5 with 30-45 sec rest between sets....something like (cleans, front squats, overhead press, bent over rows)

EAT MORE....EAT CLEAN...tough but do it...

good luck...