2007/05/31, 12:40 AM
About 3 years ago a small bone in my right wrist was fractured during a sports game. Apparently because it's a small fracture in a small bone, it's going to take it's precious time to heal, if it ever does. Before the injury, I had almost unsightly large arm muscles - since then I had to quit all my sports and my arms/shoulders/chest are incredibly weak. I'm an 19 5'2" 110 lbs female, and I work out every day, mostly doing core exercises a physical therapist perscribed for scoliosis, and some cardio. I can lift up to five pounds with my injured wrist right now, but I can't go higher if any stress is being placed on it, and I can't use it for that long. My left arm is also incredibly weak. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can improve my upper body strength without further injuring my wrist? It's getting embarassing that I can't even twist the lids off of many bottles...
2007/05/31, 08:22 AM
What about using bands for resistance and attaching them around your forearms with the leg cuffs or handles? ou could do most upper body movements without using your hands/wrists?
Opening jars is grip strength, get one of those squeeze springs and see how your non-dominant hand does with it - you may just have to become a little ambi-dextrous.
Working your legs with weights will have a little carry-over to upper body strength, you could do leg press, smith squats, leg ext, leg curl, things that don't require your wrist for stabilizing a bar or holding a weight.
I wonder if your wrist could handle pool workouts?
I wonder if isometrics is somethin you could pursue? That is basically flexing and holding the muscles flexed against unmoving resistance for a few countsit might not irritate your wrist as much.
Well, i am just throwing ideas out there - let me cogitate on this for a few days and see what else my brain dredges up - you have quite a challenge but i am sure that with determination you can overcome this.
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle
2007/05/31, 05:11 PM
Cogitate - what a word! I'm stealing this one from you and using it at work from now on.
Me on a conference call: "Well Bob, let me cogitate on that for a few and get back to you." I love it, thanks!