2007/06/07, 03:27 PM
Hi everybody! I thought I should be friendly and say howdy and tell a bit about myself. I'm starting (again!) a programme to help me get back in shape. I have always been a 'sturdy' woman, very muscular, and able to gain muscle mass really quickly. Then I got tendonitis and was unable to lift anymore. I'm sure you can figure out what happened next...fat packed on, which made me upset, which made me eat more, which made the weight pack on...
Then my father died last month and I lost all manner of control. I admit it, I'm grieving like crazy, I'm barely coherant and the food just finds it's way to my mouth.
I teach martial arts and am very active, but I've gained so much so fast that now my uniform is not fitting well, and soon it won't fit at all. Now I'm really depressed..the weight packs on, I get more depressed...you get the picture.
Last night was the last straw. I just hit rock bottom, I can't explain it. I just knew that today was "the" day to start back over. I have got to get my life back, I miss me. I miss being happy, I miss being strong, I miss having my clothes fit and I miss feeling good about myself.
So here I am, trying again and refusing to give up.
Thanks for letting me ramble. I hope I can meet some buddies who will join me in the journey to self betterment.