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Joined: 2005/07/26 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:24 AM
Hi all. I'm hoping you can help me with some "smart comebacks". I'm working very hard to lose weight, and get in shape. I'm not planning to become a bodybuilder, although I highly respect the women who are! But, I get a lot of grief at work because some of my co-workers know that I go to the gym early in the a.m. before work, and workout after work sometimes, and drink my protien shakes for snacks, etc. Well, they have started sending me emails with attachments of HUGE bodybuilder women with comments like "Ewww, you are going to look like that! Gross!" and I've heard those comments before, I'm sure we all have. Well, I've tried all the tactful ways of "I just want to be healthy, leave me alone" to the not so tactful ways of "Well, if you can't get off your lazy butt and get healthy, that's not my problem but don't condem me for doing it!" I've tried ignoring them, fighting back, explaining the health benefits, etc. Plus, this is not something that I just go around advertising. If someone sees me drinking a strange looking shake they ask what is in it. Then they see me eating turkey later, and ask again. Plus, they see the weight loss and ask what I'm doing. Or, I'll turn down my friend's invites to lunch or for a beer stop after work and they ask why. So, I'm not going around saying "Hey everyone, I'm very healthy and I do this and this and this". They ask, I give a short answer and then I get all this crap!
Then, two nights ago at the airport, there was a true female bodybuilder wearing a tank top and itty bitty shorts. Her biceps were the size of my head. A couple of guys behind me made fun of her for the longest time (not to her face of course!!!). I didn't have the nerve to stand up for her (I hate that about myself!) because I didn't know what to say (see above about my coworkers!). So, I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has encountered comments either indirectly or directly about female bodybuilders, but it makes me very angry and I don't know how to respond. Help me come up with something good! |
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Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:31 AM
First off the co workers are jealous that you have that drive. Second who cares what they say or do. if the emails get too much ask them to stop. If they do not go to your boss (if you want to let it go that far). Truly try not to worry about it. But I would say this, yes I am lifting etc...when you are on meds for diabetes/high BP etc I will be in shape and not a miserble piece of crap! LOL well word it to how you like....-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance) 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/06/22 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:32 AM
Here is what I would say to the persons running their mouths, "If you worked your body like you worked your mouth, you would be in perfect shape"
They are all just jealous! And for the ignorant men making fun of the female bodybuilder, they are intimidated that she can probably bench press more than they can! |
Joined: 2007/01/23 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:44 AM
You can't change them you can only educate them on why workingout and healthy eating is good. They are jealous and wish they could be improving themselves but lack the motivation. Some people are just mean. Stick to the people and friends that are supportive . We all have enough negativity in our lives. Who needs more. I totally agree with Mutt's and samb1215 advice. Be happy in the knowledge that you are going to live a healthy life while they will not.:)Good luck and don't let them bring you down.
Joined: 2007/01/23 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:45 AM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Joined: 2007/01/23 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:59 AM
Okay can anyone tell me why the message before this one came up? I didn't even send another message. I would never send a message with unsuitable content.:(
Joined: 2007/01/23 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 10:59 AM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 11:02 AM
it is only that you are double posting(exact same post is all) nothing bad....-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack! I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance) 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/01/23 ![]() |
2007/06/22, 11:11 AM
How do I stop the double post?
Joined: 2003/02/17 ![]() |
2007/06/23, 07:55 AM
AmyK, When you get there, they won't be laughing. They will be joining the gym! :-)
2007/06/23, 11:49 AM
Amy, wait till one of them hits on you. It will happen. Fit women are hot. Keep your resolve ...it just scares them and they are jealous.-------------- From aboard MV The Shop Johns Island Charlie | |
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2007/06/23, 03:06 PM
Amy, I think you just have to ignore them. You know they are stupid and don't know what they're talking about. How old are these people? Sheesh. Very jealous, obviously, and feeling threatened somehow.
I get just the opposite response, from men and women. The funny thing is it is the men who are most likely to say they don't work out so hard because they don't want to get too muscular. |
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2007/06/24, 02:09 PM
I would have to agree with Kathy (msmogreen) above Amy. If you adhere to their negativity, it will only cause more. I stopped caring what others thought about me a long time ago, with the exception of loved ones.
The way I see it is, THEIR LOSS, YOUR GAIN! Keep Pumping girl! We are here for you!!:dumbbell::dumbbell::love: -------------- Bettia You Get What You Train For! - Unknown |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/06/24, 11:09 PM
People are just jealous.
Yesterday at the store I had 2 items at the counter Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Skippy's Natural Peanut butter. The Fat Pig behind me give me that look and says out load OLIVE AND PEANUT BUTTER HUH. I look at him and said yes but this is Natural PB and he says HUH I said this is Natural PB it's better then that other fake crap he says OK with that look. So I turn around look him from head to toe then back to his fat assed gut and turn around and then do it again. I turn around 1 more time and he know is in the next line over LOL and never said a word after that. I just hate it when it's a person looking like the #1 health hazard judging me and my lifestyle so I'll just give it right back to them because I can careless about their feeling since they are trying to belittle me to begin with so they can feel good about there umpteen hundred pound ass. -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2005/07/26 ![]() |
2007/06/25, 02:17 PM
Thanks for all the posts everyone. SFgiants, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!! I don't know why people feel it necessary to comment on the contents of your cart. Be it the checker, or fellow customers. I had a bottle of diet green tea on the belt the other day, and a woman asked me if it was good. I answered a simple "Yes, I like it a lot". and she proceeded to tell me her life story and every detail on every tea drinking experience she has ever had.
Some day I'm just going to fill my cart to the brim with condoms, feminine products, hemoroid cream, Depends, foot odor eliminators, etc. and see if anyone comments then! Or, maybe I'll beat them to the punch! "You see, I like to be clean and fresh 'down there' because then I can have SAFE sex later (note condoms), but my husband isn't turned on by my extensive foot odor or my hemoroids for that matter! Hey fellow customer, do you know if hemoroids are bothered by wearing Depends? See sometimes I leak a little when I sneeze or cough and found that maxi pads aren't always enough to cover the problem, so I started wearing Depends. Anyway, so, the Dr. says that I have a massive foot fungus and that the odor eliminators may help. I sure hope so! Hopefully they will help with my yeast infection too!" Ok, gross. I know. I couldn't help myself. I bet no one would talk to me then!!! :laugh: |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2007/06/25, 02:42 PM
No thats totally cool, my kid of women outspoken and straight to the point lol.
I mean if we all gave back what we take maybe they would stop giving it to others! -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2007/06/25, 06:19 PM
Amy - tell them you are on steroids and prone to roid rage - so WATCH OUT!!!!!:big_smile:
Who gives carp what they say? Run circles around them and be a constant source of positivity and energy and eventually it will rub off or they will leave you alone because they can't stand the energy:angry: Keep going sister - the fact that people are commenting means it is working!!!!:dumbbell::dumbbell: As far as the female bodybuilder - she is probably used to men reacting that way to her and has accepted that men with small penises make fun of women with big muscles. -------------- While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us. - Ben Franklin |
Joined: 2003/02/17 ![]() |
2007/06/25, 08:02 PM
Who gives a carp? Is that a Canadian thing? :)
2007/06/25, 08:19 PM
A fit woman can stay on top a long time. Thats true love when your back hurts.
Holy crap Amy K, what a rant. You should have no problem handling your co-workers. Amy Simmer You are right in that last comment. -------------- From aboard MV The Shop Johns Island Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2007/06/26, 09:34 AM
Who gives a carp, lol. That is like my recommending people eat more crabs...I am the queen of typing dyslexia!-------------- While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us. - Ben Franklin |
Joined: 2005/07/26 ![]() |
2007/06/26, 02:09 PM
Roid rage, I love it! I am totally going to use that the next time my co-workers start giving me a hard time.
Yeah Charlie, had a little rant there. I do that from time to time. ;) |
Joined: 2006/08/08 ![]() |
2007/06/26, 09:33 PM
============ Quoting from amyksmith76: Roid rage, I love it! I am totally going to use that the next time my co-workers start giving me a hard time. ============= Tried that comment once, got a tube of prep-h left on my work bench for like a week. -------------- In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer. |
Joined: 2005/07/26 ![]() |
2007/06/27, 01:54 PM
LOL bill
Joined: 2002/09/24 ![]() |
2007/06/27, 02:37 PM
that is just so wrong on so many levels...eeewww!:)-------------- Bettia You Get What You Train For! - Unknown |