2007/07/04, 11:40 AM
The following words were spoken by the late Red Skelton on his television program as he related the story of his teacher, Mr. Laswell, who felt his students had come to think of the Pledge of Allegiance as merely something to recite in class each day.
Now, more than ever, listen to the meaning of these words.
"I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester
and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you.
If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word?"
me, an individual, a committee of one.
dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
my love and my devotion.
To the flag
our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever
she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given
her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!
that means that we have all come together.
individual communities that have united into 48 great states.
Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and
purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to
a common purpose, and that's love for country.
And to the republic
a state in which sovereign power is
invested in representatives chosen by the
people to govern. And government is the people
and it's from the people to the leaders, not from
the leaders to the people.
For which it stands, one nation
one nation, meaning "so
blessed by God"
incapable of being divided.
With liberty
which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's
own life without threats, fear or some sort of
And Justice
the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all
which means, boys and girls, it's as much your
country as it is mine.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance...
Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said
that is a prayer
and that would be eliminated from schools too?
-------------- Michael
Humble, even in Victory.
2007/07/05, 08:31 AM
I sure do love the fact you put UNDER GOD in big bold letters!
-------------- My Catahoula did it.
I saw a book titled "Sex for Dummies" and wondered why
anyone would teach dumb people how to reproduce?
2007/07/06, 12:01 PM
I love this story..it touches my heart.:)
-------------- Bettia
You Get What You Train For!
- Unknown
2007/07/07, 08:37 AM
As a teacher, I can't force my students to say the pledge, but I HIGHLY encourage them to. If they so much as lean or not not stand up straight during the morning pledge, I give them my 'teacher look' and they know what I expect. The USA is a wonderful country - the best in the world in my opinion. The utmost respect is owed to our country, the symbols that represent it, and those who faithfully defend it.
-------------- --JBennett
"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
2007/07/09, 04:16 PM
Oh you are so right JB. I wish all teachers were like you.
-------------- Bettia
You Get What You Train For!
- Unknown
2007/07/09, 04:22 PM
I have to disagree. I was raised as a Jehovah Witness. As part of that faith, giving alligence to the goverment was not part of that faith. Meaning we were not susposed to say the pledge, and or stand. As a kid this was so hard to follow as I had teachers pick on us and make fun of us. One Mrs. Taylor screamed at me "you are a Commie" a few times. I think it is the right of all to say it or not. But forcing someone against their beliefs is wrong. That said...if there are no circumstances like I had then by all means being respectful (as we were at all times) is dam sure the way to go.
-------------- Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack!
I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance)
2007/07/09, 06:55 PM
At the Olympics, everyone stands regardless of the anthem being played. It's a respect thing. As a symbol of this country, we should show the respect it is due. My students don't have to recite the pledge, but out of respect they should stand. That's just how I look at it. I respect your beliefs, Mutt. I had a lot of friends when I was growing up who were Jehovah Witnesses.
-------------- --JBennett
"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."