I received some samples from Allthewhey.com. They sell a 6 pack of samples for about 9 bux. When you place your order, ask for other samples and they will send you some for free.
I am waiting to hear back from their customer service because on their website it says their isolate is lactose free. On the samples it says low lactose. I am waiting for clarification.
I'm not sure how to tell if it is good quality other than the (not to be gross) fart factor. So far so good though. This is an important factor for me because when you work in server rooms you usually have nobody else to blame.:angry:. My stomach doesn't handle many proteins well so if I can digest it easily it passes my test.
The taste was decent and mixed pretty well in a shaker. If anyone has tried ON Gold Standard Whey, I think it tasted a little better (although didn't mix as well). So far I had the vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I used less water than recommended on the lablel so that it was a little thicker and more flavorful. For the price, I think you can't beat it.
Also, there seems to be a "permanent" 10% off coupon code for allthewhey.com products. Use - matt05 and enjoy.