Group: Eating Disorders

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Someone knowledgeable in nutrition HELP!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/07/12
United States
2007/07/12, 12:25 AM
Hi. Okay, in a nutshell I have a problem I can' t ask a doctor or my parents (I'm 17), so I've turned to this site.

Right now I'm 5'1", 106-108 lbs. At 14, I was anorexic, went from 104 lbs, to 96, to 69 lbs. Hospitalized. Came out 85 lbs. Gained up to 100 by myself. The last 6-8 lbs I keep losing and gaining again. I never saw a nutritionist or anything. I was dumb and following fellow girl "friends."
Now I'm 17 and I still don't have my period back! I just went to an endocrinologist and she said maybe I have hypothyroidism.

I try to do cardio at least 1 hr a day (20-30 min jog on treadmill OR stationary bike+walking outside). My max. is 2 hrs (in summertime). Hate weights. Anyways, I try to eat around 1200 CALORIES A DAY. My net calories are usually around 700s. NOT GOOD I JUST FOUND OUT. I have tried increasing and I gain weight. This is a sick cycle. I think I'm in starvation mode and I'm screwing myself up and where is my period and I'm freaking out. How can I fix myself? Please. Someone, anyone, help me. I want children--I want my period back. I'm 17 and I feel like I'm 70, watching my weight and not being able to eat like b4 anorexia and not gain a lb. HELP!

My mom won't allow me to see a nutritionist, but can anyone tell me how many calories (net/total) I should consume to get my metabolism, period, and health back? What about carbs/fat/protein. Oh, please someone knowledgeable in nutrition help me!

I'm rrly sry for taking up your time, I'm just confused and so happy and crap on the outside but i need to be repaired internally
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2007/07/12, 09:03 AM
Hi KeriFit, I have to start by saying that you really should talk to your parents or Dr. I know you may feel that you will be reprimanded, but your parents and your Dr. only have your best interests at heart. Secondly, I wouldn't worry about your period too much. Your still young and it is not unusual to have an irregular cycle, even if you hadn't had the diet issues. Just get your diet on track and give it time. You should be consuming at least 1200cal/ day and probably more given your activity level. Get in the habit of eating every 3-4 hours and include protien (chicken, eggs, tuna etc) veggies and things like brown rice, whole wheat pasta etc. I know you say that you hate lifting wts, but resistance training will help you boost your metabolism, even using resistance bands would be benificial.

Spend some time reading the nutrition forum as get as knowlegable as you can. And please, find an adult you can trust to help you get the help you need to continue to battle your eating disorder.

And one last thing....throw the damn scale away!!!

I wish you all the best. You have your whole life ahead of you and you are the one in control of your destiny..take care of yourself!
Posts: 446
Joined: 2002/11/13
2007/07/12, 06:36 PM
If the endocrinologist thinks you may have a thyroid disorder did you get it checked? This is something that affects your metabolism (hypo.:slow metabolism or hyper: fast metabolism)....and you may need meds to regulate yourself.
Talk to your parents and Dr.
Posts: 205
Joined: 2006/04/07
2007/07/13, 05:17 PM
Dont be shy to confront your parents or your doctor about these issues you are having. Do you have a nurse/doctor at your school? If you are to embarrassed to see your family doctor, someone at your school may be able to help you out.

How long has it been since your last period? I would keep track of this. If you are honestly worried about this DEFINATELY talk to a doctor, they can do more for you than any of us on here can!

Dont be embarassed to talk to a doctor, believe me, they are there to help, and they deal with situations such as yours, and even worse on a regular basis...they arent going to think your crazy!

Good luck!