Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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Exercising with broken foot

Posts: 5
Joined: 2007/07/15
United States
2007/07/20, 12:40 PM
I posted another thread on a sprained ankle. Turns out it's the fifth metatarsal on my foot, so now I'm in a boot cast for 6 weeks, with strict orders to stay off it. I guess my upper body will stay fit because I'm alrady feeling sore there from managing crutches. But, what about atrophy of the muscles in my legs, especially the leg with injured foot? Also, what about diet? I've already gained a couple pounds from being inactive, even though I'm not overeating. My hub had foot surgery a couple years back and gained 80 lbs that year. I don't want that to happen.
I guess I'd have to follow a very low cal diet for a sedentary person -- under 1000 cals per day even (I'm ver petite)? Would I need supplements to promote healing, since I shouldn't be eating very much. I'm already taking extra calcium, a women's multi vitamin, and glucosamine.