2007/12/31, 02:37 AM
As far as test boosters go I would recomend a combination of tribulus (a plant extract that increases testosterone, improves libido, and is said to imporve mood) trib doesnt raise test levels above natural limits of the bodies production, but most men above the age of 25 dont produce testosterone at an optimal level. along with increasing test it also increases the body's production of estadriol (booby hormone) not to mention that the increased testosterone will lead to an increased aromatization of the test in your body. counteracting this effect is done simply be taking an anti aromatase like formadrol or 6-oxo (both available at gnc) I prefer formadrol. and finally i would reccomend taking a ZMA supplement. Zinc, magnesium, and manganese are all crucial in the body's production of testosterone, most men are also deficent in these minerals. The three suplements i have reccomended will not turn you into an acne covered raging madman, but they will help your body to maximize its testosterone making potential and keep that testosterone from turning into estrogen. Formadrol and 6-oxo should not be taken for more than 8 weeks consecutively, personally i wouldnt take it for more than 6 weeks. The supplement regime i outlined also makes a wonderful pct for people using anabolics/ prohormones. hope this helped.