Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Hi everyone

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/10/15
United Kingdom
2007/10/15, 07:25 AM
Just thought i'd introduce myself i just joined because i am in despair with my spiralling weight and takeaway lifestyle.

Cat x
2007/10/16, 03:01 PM
Hey cat. Welcome to FT. This is the place for support and great advice, starting with this. You've got to wean yourself off the fast food. That single factor will be the difference between you succeeding and seeing the weight loss you want and you struggling, getting frustrated, and cycling. It's a killer b/c it's quick and easy and it's on every street corner, but it is YOUR ENEMY! Do you cook? Would you be willing to start cooking?

\"We must be the change we wish to see in the world\" - Ghandi