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Atkins Diet and Working out

Posts: 58
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2002/08/01, 08:44 PM
WHat are your takes on this topic?
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2002/08/01, 09:25 PM
I don't see how it's possible to workout often and be on such a low carb diet. I run about 5 days a week and found I was irritable and tired with a little less than 200 g carbs, so I'm guessing that's why the Atkins diet "recommends" that you don't workout or at least, that you don't have to.
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2002/08/01, 09:28 PM
I read up a little on this a while back and asked a dietitcian (sp?) about it.. Mostly they said that a lot of the weight you lose is water weight (although I also read other 'studies' that showed people losing a whole load of weight that couldn't of possibly have been water weight)... but overall if I remember right the thing I read that said it was bad was that by being on a low amount of carbs for so long cause your body to go into ketosis or something and that ended up increasing your changes for a heart attack (i think)... I don't really remember how it all went but you could look around the net a little or ask a one of those dieticians at your gym...
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2002/08/02, 03:20 AM
I tried that and felt really sick and weak. I don't recommend working out without taking carbs. You need your carbs to help with energy(strength).

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2002/08/04, 10:28 PM
I have a friend that uses this diet. He weighed 340 now is 250. I took him to my gum for a trial to see if he liked it. I at 300 did more pull ups(assisted of course LOL). I out lifted him and he generally was very tired. I can not doubt that he lost weigh. But since March I have lost 30lbs and around 6 inches from the waist,. He has lots of skin and flab hanging. So I guess you pick what youlike.

"When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout" LIFT HARD AND OFTEN!!!!!!
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2002/08/05, 02:54 AM
I cannot seem to work out good enough on a too low carb diet..... (and I get tired, hungry and grumpy as well!!!)What I do is to cycle my carbs. I take two-three days of low carb days and then I carb up.

You have to see and try for yourself.

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
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2002/08/05, 07:43 PM
If you are really serious about trying this diet, please cylce it, week by week, otherwise you won't have the energy to lift and workout to your max. Just my two cents.

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2003/12/07, 09:41 AM
The Atkins diet does not discourage exercise. It emphasizes it! Also, you only lose water the first week. Which is normal for any weight loss program. My energy levels are through the roof. No afternoon naps. Anyone considering this should buy the book..its like $5.97 at any Wal-Mart. It will help clear up alot of the misconceptions.
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2003/12/07, 11:53 AM
I think that there are some long term studies starting to come out about atkins, or semi-long studies (i cant quote them though) and i think i read somewhere that atkins is good if its doctor prescribed and if only on it for a very short time...but if you are on it for too long your cholesterol and all your vital signs start to get bad after initially looking good.

I tried it for 2 weeks, lost 15 lbs of scale weight. I tend to think it was muscle and water, and im very pissed still about that. Also, i had very weird pains with my heart and im only 25. I had never experienced anything like that before.

IMO there is no way that diet can be very safe. You cannot stop eatin carb, or eating only 40g per day and expect to not be burning muscle tissue...theres just no way.

Perhaps the single biggest argument that I have with that diet is that it makes your body trigger its "starvation survival technique" to lose "weight". I do not agree with this at ALL! Ketosis is a last ditch effort for your body to survive when there is no food around. How can it be healthy to trigger this and for a long period of time?

Just my thought on it ..

"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior."
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2003/12/07, 12:35 PM
I just saw a study on it last week. They took four doctors and put them on Atkins for a month. By the end of the first week, they couldn't even remember what the date was - a result of the lack of glucose to the brain. A bit scary when you consider their patients.

At the end, most of them weighed a few pounds less, having lost about 1percent of their body fat. The one who exercised vigorously lost the most, of course. They all complained of tiredness and one doctor ended up in the hospital with digestive problems and had to quit the trial. One doctor ended up with very high cholesterol levels, and another lost muscle and gained fat. None of them said they would ever recommend it to a patient.
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2003/12/07, 02:04 PM
For most, it is an excellent way to lose weight if very overweight. You will drop weight, thugh much of it will be muscle and water along with fat. This is acceptible if you are obese enough to warrant it, but not for the average person trying to get in shape. It is not a diet for someone who is not too considerably overweight and wishes to work out and get a lean body. You will for the most part have very poor workouts, and not much for recovery, so this could hurt lean tissue even more.

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2003/12/16, 03:02 PM
There has been some comment on the Atkins approach on various forums each reflecting diverse perceptions. I have been eating the Atkins way since March and have succeeded in achieving my weight loss goals(56 lb's), I also think that I have been sucessful in my fitness goals too(5 miles in 36 minutes plus good growth on the weights), however tough to judge that as I don't have a yard stick of what I could have achieved.

My comments are as follows:
1) The Atkins approach requires you to eat minimal carbs (around 40 grams) in your daily mix, however this is only required for the initial induction phase of the eating regime.
2) The Atkins approach seriously encourages excersize.
3) The Atkins Center will encourage you to eat spinich and broccoli for your carbs if you are excersizing seriously.
4) You are encouraged to drink huge amounts of liquid.
5) You are warned that you can lose up to around 2 pounds of weight a week, more is regarded as too fast.
6) As you achieve your goals the approach teaches you to increase your daily carb intake, however that you build this up really very slowly in order to guage when you start storing as opposed to utilising carbs as fats.
7) The approach also teaches you to define "good" healthy cartbs from the "bad" unhealthy carbs. Just read a post from BB1 and the same are repeated there.

And lastly I haven't felt better, stronger, healthier in years. I would encourage the Atkins approach but advise that you READ the book, don't use second hand info.

2003/12/16, 05:57 PM
Thats right on Warren. My Adkins book DOES suggest that you up clean carbs as you increase exercise.

Living well is the best revenge.

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2003/12/16, 07:07 PM
Gotta go with BB1 again on this one. Yes, you will see the weight come off, but this is a diet you cannot cheat on because the weight will come right back. If you plan on gaining muscle size, that won't last too long because you'll begin to deplete your energy stores more quickly. Its effective, but please be careful and be sure you're getting everything your body needs.

If you joined the powers of TSMD and 7707Mutt, it would equal that of a freight train!
2003/12/16, 07:19 PM
My point was that most doing adkins don't read the book. An equal split if protien and carbs is called for in some cases if you train heavily. I don't keep track of it the adkins way anymore but there is a lot of misinformation about the plan.

Living well is the best revenge.

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2003/12/16, 07:37 PM
I agree Charlie826, people think its just no carbs and eat all the fat you want. They don't read the book. That last post was merely opinion from what I've experienced with others on the plan.

If you joined the powers of TSMD and 7707Mutt, it would equal that of a freight train!
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2004/01/01, 08:27 PM
i have bbe on this diet and it sucked yea i lost a butt load of weight however i never gained any muscle mass, the human body wasn't designed to run on protein alone, carbs break down faster and give u more engery, theres somthing about eating loads of fatty meats an dlosing weight thats not appitizing, i did this diet and gained every bit of it back, the diet that did work was a modified version of it called the mayo clinic diet, where all that is taken out is startches and sugars( potatoes, breads, candy, fruit) apples are ok but u can eat anything green that u like, and i lost weight gained muscle and felt healthy....most th eweight i believe that i slost is also do to muscle glyiogen lost as well as water and muscle break down

---andrew.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
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United States
2004/01/07, 12:21 PM
i am 16 years old and i am trying the adkins diet. my mother gained 20 lbs after giving birth to me, went on the adkins diet and lost all of it, even more. she always told me that to always have some sortof carb, any kind, but also keep it under 40 g. I was up o a size 14 pants and weighed 173 lbs. I've been on the diet for atleast three months and i am now a size 8 pants and i weigh 138 pounds. It has made me healthier than i have ever been. I extremely recommend this diet to any one wanting to lose weight.

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2004/01/07, 05:19 PM have lost 35lbs in 3 months?? That is a tremendous amount of weight for a 16yr old to drop in that kind of a time frame. I am very happy for you, but gradual weight loss is more likely to be a permanent weight loss. Quick results are great, but not the best way to go.
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2004/01/07, 06:18 PM
angel14lif0687, are you still on the atkins. Or, have you began to implement a healthy way of eating and a regular exercise regime.

It's not what we eat or drink occasionally, but what we consume on a daily basis that determines our ongoing level o health.
Not sure of author
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2004/01/11, 08:46 AM
Being on Atkins doesn't mean it's an unhealthy way of eating. Unfortunately, many take it as a ticket to eat all kinds of foods just because it's allowed. Thus the bad rep the diet gets in that it promotes high levels of saturated fats. Can you 'technically' eat a pound of bacon? Yes. Should you? No. Does it tell you to eat mounds of cheese? No, though from what I've heard/read, people choose to ignore where it says not to eat more than 4 ounces a day. Lack of fiber? Sure if you choose the wrong things to eat. There's plenty of vegetables that are high in fiber as well as low carb.
2004/01/11, 10:13 AM
I havent done this program only heard through the grapevine that it does work but after you get off the weight can and many times does return. I guess its all about the commitment of ever changing routines and keeping fit after the meal plan is done. I do believe that in order to change our body we have to make this eating, workouts and mental change for LIFE. Otherwise, its only a quick fix. Peace, and good health.
Posts: 14
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2004/01/12, 10:36 AM
There is no doubt that a "Low Carb Diet" will make you lose weight. The Atkins diet is one of various low carb diets designed for the average person. Not the athletic.

I recommend reading Dan Duchaines book "Body Opus". It is essentially a low carb diet, but it is geared towards the bodybuilder/athlete to reduce catabolicism and retain as much muscle as possible, while quickly losing fat. He also talks about various types of proteins, supplements, fat burners, even some steroids. Talks about ketones, what they are, and how the body uses them. Also maps a carb down and carb up plan! Very good reading. Alot of advice I give on Low carb or keto dieting, I learned from this book!

I was on this diet last spring. I went from 175 14% bf to 158 7 or 8% bf in 2 months.
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2004/01/12, 10:52 AM
A few more comments after reading a few posts:

1. Those of you saying you are tired and weak:
How long did you attempt this diet...ONE week. Of course your going to be tired and weak for the first few days. You've essentially cut out your bodies primary energy source..CARBS. Carbs are converted to glucose as we all know, which gives us energy. Once you start this diet, your body is without the glucose it normally has to function. After the first few days, your body says "Hey, where did the carbs go...I can't function....I better find a new energy source". This is exactly what it does! The body takes that fat, where its been storing energy form the excess carbs we've all been eating. It converts this stored energy (fat) to Ketones. So, instead of using the foods you eat for all of its energy, it begins to use the fats you have for energy. I don't know how in-depth the Atkins book gets with ketone or basic internal processes, but this is what I've learned.

2. Gaining muscle on this kind of diet:
This is extremely hard if not impossible. To gain muscle, you have to eat, eat, eat! With enough carbs, protein, fat, and calories. You're pretty much doing the oppostie when dieting.
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2004/01/12, 12:37 PM
For working out, as far as a low carb diet, I would suggest investigating either a CKD or TKD, with the TKD being even more optimal.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2004/01/17, 11:31 PM
THE WHOLE ATKINS DIET IS BULLCRAP AND IS UNHEALTHY......that's my opinion at least lol-- I think if you're truly working your @$$ off, you'lle need those carbs. And on temperoath's comments, you're absolutely right.....I am extremely active and I tried to lower the carbs and it made me feel dead. I wouldn't recomend it unless you don't get very much exercise or it's a last resort.

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2004/01/19, 10:59 AM

Your opinion is acceptable, however please take care to note that the ATKINS lifestyle assists overweight people slimming down. I don't believe that it was ever developed to assist body builders and athletes to reach their peaks.

I agree that maintaining good shape, form and athletic ability requires a healthy balance of fats, proteins and carbs and that if that is your goal to steer away from the induction phase of The Atkins, it is not for you. One would assume that if you are attempting these goals that you would have progressed on to the Maintenance phase of the lifestyle?
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2004/06/01, 04:18 AM
Topics a bit old but i thought id put my two cents in. After coming home from college to help out with the family busines, i gained an extraordinary amount of weight (45 pounds in 4 months) so i decided to try the atkins diet, made sense since i figured all i ate here was mexican food wich is meat with tortillas (carbs) beans(more carbs) and rice (even more carbs) . well anyway, excersizing and eating much much much less carbs seemed to work in 4 months ive goten to within 5 pounds of where i started but the thing is im still a dress size bigger than i was when i started. so...well anyway, im pretty much eating regular now and im still loosing a little so i think its time to just get serious with working out and toning up. but it served its purpouse. and im pretty much stabalized. i leaned my lesson. say no to mexican food....hehe most of the time. (part of the reason i gained weight so fast too was that i was verry active in college, worked 2 jobs studied, and danced a lot, here its more like, sit behind a desk all day drive to the store to run errands and sit behind a desk again.) i had no idea you could gain weight that fast...or loose it that fast for that matter but whatever. *sigh* time to dish out money for a gym membership i guess.:(
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2004/06/30, 11:51 PM
My bad everybody....I kinda went off. It was an ignorant statement. I just don't see how it could be healthy if your body takes on a whole new state and odor.

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2008/04/02, 06:14 AM
muscle gain exersize work out routine