Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!
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Joined: 2007/11/23 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 09:38 AM
I just joined and this is my first message.
Although I have always hated any kind of exercise (its so boring), I am forced to do at least some mild jogging and walking 3-4 times a week for medical reasons. In the past year or so, I have been experiencing a problem that is stopping me from doing any jogging or brisk walking. The problem is that soon after starting my routine (3-5 minutes) my lower legs become stiff & heavy and start to hurt. This is stopping me from doing anything after this apart from normal walking (but my legs are still heavy, stiff & hurt). The area where the leg joins the foot in the front also hurts. My legs are my best feature too! I warm up by walking a circuit (1.7 miles) of the local park and then stretching my legs as I had been taught in a gym once and then I start jogging/walking as much as I can. The problem with my legs doesn't get any better or alleviate itself with time. I usually keep going for about 1 hour each session. I only started exercise in January 2003 and joined a gym that helped me with jogging/running (that I hated to high heaven previously) and they removed my fear & negative feelings to jogging/running & taught me slowly how to do it. I left the gym after 9 months because I lost motivation - I had been going 4-5 times a week, working out/running for 2-3 hours or more sometimes and once a week doing a Body Pump class - despite all this, I lost only 5 pounds in weight and didn't feel much different or noticed any improvement elsewhere. However, I continued the jogging and that worked OK until this problem reared itself in 2006. I am in my mid-40's. I am now very despondent and losing any little motivation that I had drummed to get to where I was. Any suggestions as to what the cause of my problem is and what i can do about it? |
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Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 11:49 AM
Be more specific with your injury description, even if at the expense of telling us how much you hate exercise.
Any reason the only form of exercise you are doing is walking and jogging? -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Mortal by birth. Strongman by the grace of god. Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2007/11/23 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 01:47 PM
I can't be more specific being a lay person. I have been to two doctor's who offered no explanation or cause (but they didn't pursue it with me).
The pain & stiffness goes after several minutes if I stop running/walking. The problem is also in the front of my legs, the shin area and the bottom of the leg where it joins the foot (is there a name for this spot?) The weired thing is that I have very good legs and I cycled a lot in my youth and have big calfs (I don't have any problem there by the way). I should also mention that this problem occurred a few weeks after I started jogging again, both in 2006 & 2007, but not right away, which is puzzling. The reason jogging/walking is the only form of exercise I do is, as I have already stated, I hate exercise and its such a chore for me to engage in and I only do it for my medical condition (diabetes). I have no motivation whatsoever. Even when I was going to a gym, my favorite time that I looked forward to as soon as I entered the gym, was when it would be all over and the shower & rest afterwards. |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 03:02 PM
Don't see a generic dr for something that requires the attention of a physical therapist.
1. Where does it hurt? Give as best a description as you can. 2. How does it hurt? What kind of pain is it? Dull, throbbing, stinging, sharp, stabbing, acheing, etc? 3. When did it start hurting? What were you doing at the time? 4. When does it hurt? While lifting, standing, sitting, stretching, etc. 5. Constant, intermittent, when doing certain movements? 6. Does the pain radiate to other parts of your body? 7. Range of motion? What movements can or can't you do? 8. What makes it worse, better? 9. What is your main concern regarding the pain and its consequences? 10. Any prior injuries? As far as motivation, stop whining first off. Second, look into other forms of exercise. Running is tedious and is often one of those things that either you like or you don't. Try weights, kickboxing, etc. Find something you like. Seems to me like you just did whatever came to mind when you heard the term "exercise" and that was running, and you haven't given other things a chance yet. Find something you enjoy, and do it regularly. Regularly doesn't mean 5 times a week 3 hours a day. I train maybe 4 hours a week and I'm a competitive powerlifter, there is no reason you should be spending 15 hours a week in the gym. No wonder you have no motivation. Besides that, as far as fat loss, distance running may be the least effective form of exercise. -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Mortal by birth. Strongman by the grace of god. Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2007/11/23 ![]() |
2007/11/23, 11:42 PM
I was interested in giving more information as per you 10 questions, but after reading what came next I changed my mind.
You are not in any position to speak to me in the way you have and you know nothing about me or what's going on in my life. Your failure to actually read my post and your subsequent knee-jerk assumptions and lack of understanding tells me that I am wasting my time engaging with you. |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2007/11/24, 05:07 PM
I apologize at any knee-jerk assumptions, but when I read your first post, I see two problems. I'm attempting to address both. An injury will cause you to stop exercising, but so will problems with motivation. I suggest you try to take a more positive attitude towards everything, as whining only makes things worse, and attempt to take some of my suggestions. Even if I'm completely wrong, you haven't lost anything by trying.
Let me know if you change your mind. -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Mortal by birth. Strongman by the grace of god. Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2008/01/22 ![]() |
2008/02/16, 11:58 PM
What you are describing kind of sounds like shin splints, but I could be wrong. Have you tried running on a softer surface? Running on hard surfaces can be bad for your legs. How are your shoes? Make sure they are good running shoes and they aren't warn out. You could also experiment with some insoles or orthotics. You could also try taking some ibuprofen about an hour or two before you run.
If you still have pain after your run is over, try putting a bag of ice on your legs or stick them in a bucket of an ice/water mixture for about 10 minutes. I hope this helps! |
Joined: 2003/06/14 ![]() |
2008/02/29, 11:17 AM
Grumpyjogger, you have no idea what you just missed out on...
Steve is trying to help you for free, and he knows his shit. He's the next best thing to finding a GOOD physical therapist. Take free advice without getting your panties in a bunch. There's no room for bitching when you ask for help. -------------- I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious. --Vince Lombardi "Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hunt |