Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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New and Motivated..opinions welcome :)

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/12/21
United States
2007/12/21, 10:45 PM
Hello all and thanks for taking the time out to read this. Im new here and am at a point in my life where I am ready and determined to make a change. Im a single 27 yr old female...Im about 5 feet 8" and I weigh 272 lbs....OUCH!!! My weight issue began about 6 yrs ago with the pregnacy of my daughter (I gained about 70 lbs. Before I had her I never ever had any kind of weight issue. I was the perfect size 7/8 with not a worry in the world but then reality set in and now Im a size 18. I cannot take it anymore so here I am, if I could afford a real personal trainer I would so go for it.

So Im not going to chew all your ears off with my issues, I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome any comments (yes I can take the bad ones too).
Posts: 273
Joined: 2007/01/14
United Kingdom
2007/12/22, 12:21 PM
Hi and Welcome!
When I joined I never felt the need for a personal trainer again! The advice and motivation I got here helped a lot.
Feel free to voice your issues, we all have them and you might get a new insight.

Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2007/12/24, 11:57 AM
My best piece of advice for you is to take it slow at the beginning. Most people burn themselves out after a few weeks ESPECIALLY with cardio. Eat right, and exercise smart. That will put you way above the curve.
Posts: 51
Joined: 2007/12/21
United States
2007/12/25, 10:32 AM
I totally agree with returnofplex...Don't over do it at first. I tore a ligament in my shoulder 3 months later it is still giving me some trouble. Let your body get used to the weight lifting before you start going too heavy!!