2008/01/02, 08:26 PM
We all know what is coming, so I figured a thread started specifically for this purpose was in order.
I?d like to start a thread for advice for those of you that are new members to the site, specifically those that have made new years resolutions for some specific goal. I?d like this thread to serve not only as a "how to" for finding information on this site, but also to include some information that would be a good reference for someone just starting out.
First off, understand that most of us have been doing this for a very long time. We have seen many new years pass, and are still doing this. If you can understand that this is a lifestyle, and not a short term change, you will be far further in your quest. I can not stress how important it is to understand this point. There are no short term fixes, and if you are looking for the easy way out, this isn?t it.
Also understand that any question you may want to ask, has probably been asked at some point. Before making a post, I?d recommend trying a search. At the bottom of the page there is what we call a ?fitbuddy? search. It says ?Type your Question here? but you can use keywords, or ask your question how ever you see fit. It will turn up threads that somewhat match your question or keywords. If this fails you or you have trouble using it, then feel free to start a new post, but fitbuddy is generally a much faster way to get information than waiting for replies.
Read the stickys. Sticky threads are threads that have been permanently attached to the top of the message boards, you will see a thumbtack icon next to any of them. They are there because a thread was started that someone thought would make a good reference or wanted other people to see the information contained within the thread. Often they are frequently asked questions with good advice in the answers.
Speaking of FAQ?s there is a forum entirely dedicated to that. Asimmer, along with the other moderators, saw to it that they answered some of the most frequently asked questions on the site and put them in one convenient place. This would be a great place to start.
Find similar questions? I?ve noticed it?s become popular to find a thread started a while ago asking a question, where the question was answered, and then post the same question. What applies to one person more than likely applies to you, so take the advice already given. It is all free, and for the most part, high quality advice.
Supplements? a pet peeve of mine. Most of you that ask this question will be teenagers or young males looking to gain muscle. This is the very demographic that many supplements are marketed to. If you are just starting out, this is not something you need to worry about. I recommend to everyone that they lift and learn for at least 1 YEAR before they even start to figure out which supplements they are going to use. Train, eat, sleep, repeat. These are the big ones. Once you?ve mastered these 4, then you can start to worry about the little stuff.
Exercises: regardless of your goals, we are more than likely going to recommend compound movements (squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, rows, chin ups, bench press). Cardio should normally be done AFTER weight training, and most of us recommend HIIT over any other kind of cardio (depending on your goals).
Speaking of goals, it is important if you are asking a question that you let us know what your goals are. Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish, it is difficult for us to help you accomplish it. Other important information to include: age, sex, years experience, what you have available. If you are in doubt, it is better to include to much personal information.
If you have a question you don?t feel comfortable asking, you can feel free to send me an instant message. At the end of this post is an options menu, one is ?Send an instant message??
Welcome to the site.
Anyone else, feel free to offer advice, suggestions, or questions...
-------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde
Blood Guts Sweat Chalk