2008/01/03, 04:45 PM
Found this site thru google. Im trying to get back in shape like i was when i was in the navy. Also im trying to develope a good eating habbit, ive never ate healthy, and have been lucky to never get heavy, but i recently found out that i have diverticulitis, and i know thats from never eathing anything besides burgers and pizza's, and the only thing i drink besides Coke and water most, rarly milk.
Im just looking to get back in shape for my fiance and develope a good eating habbit so i wont be a health risk for my fiance.
2008/01/03, 09:34 PM
Welcome retro.
2008/01/04, 01:24 AM
thanks you
2008/01/04, 10:22 AM
Man, you are on the right track! A healthy diet is where it all starts. From there on, it's just adjusting that diet to meet your goals(weight loss or muscle gain). Make sure to ask a lot of questions if you don't find the answers in the forums here.
2008/01/05, 05:09 AM
will do thanks. Im looking foward to starting my training on Monday. I know the diet part of this is going to be hard for me, but if the military has tought me anything is that the only way to survive is to adept.