Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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I dont eat enough food please help

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/01/09
United Kingdom
2008/01/13, 07:50 PM
hello im 125lb and i want to put weight on but dont no the best way. do i just eat eat eat or use supplments iv just got some weights and starting a plan from this website because i dont want just to put fat on but i am skiny so i just dont no any help please very intrested in helthy eating but not enough calories what to do ????
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2008/01/14, 09:13 AM
Post an average daily diet for you. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Any snacks in between? Sodas, candy?
Posts: 973
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2008/01/15, 09:08 AM
Yes, you should just eat and eat and eat, but don't do it all at once. Add like 200-400 calories ever two weeks or so. In order not to gain too much fat you need find a balance such that you are only gaining 1-2lbs a week.

But yeah a post of your diet would helpful.

Read some articles by John Berardi. I have provided a link to his articles on I am not saying his word is god, but the man knows food and you learn a lot.