Discuss the process of preparing for a competition on the sport of body building, fitness and more!
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Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2003/03/23, 10:23 PM
Well, just got back, fun weekend. Huge show, lots of competitors. Very good athletes there. This by the way was not a drug tested show, so anything was allowed. These are kind of cool in a way, because you go up against guys who have been "using" too. Anyway, I didn't get my 1st :>{, but I did place 4th. Got a nice trophy to go with my others, had some fun last night(good meal), then half the day today as I always do post show, now back to business. My next one is May 17th with my wife, we are going to do a pairs competition, and I am going to do an individual also. Thanks to all who wished me luck, when I get pics developed, I will post some with my new trophy! LOL...Again, thanks to all who were there for me. I appreciated the support. You al are the best....---------------------------- The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt. |
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Joined: 2001/10/19 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 01:52 AM
Congrats!!! I knew you were going to do great!!! The next one with your wife? That's great! I wish my husband would do a competition with me one day........ -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. |
Joined: 2002/05/08 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 05:38 AM
Congrats bb1, sounds like you had a great time. |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 08:47 AM
Way to go now go get the may 17th one !!!!!!! Byt he way i still want that autograph!lol-------------- IF YOU CAN STILL ITCH YOUR NOSE AFTER ARM DAY, GO DO ANOTHER SET!!! |
Joined: 2002/11/18 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 12:31 PM
Yes you did and I was busting with joy when your name was called. Way to go baby, now let's hit them hard at the show-me's. Hey, I think it is time to buy a trophy case. -------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!! |
Joined: 2001/12/27 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 01:16 PM
Good for you, BB1. May 17th, eh? Now it's time to show NO MERCY! Go git 'em! -------------- Michael "Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!" |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2003/03/24, 08:06 PM
Way to go! I knew you would bring one home. Are you on a trading card yet? Good Luck May 17th!-------------- Peace on earth Ivan Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2003/03/25, 02:29 PM
Congarts! Nothing syas a really tight natural can't take a freaky big user.. It just seems daunting at times when the crowd goes so apeshit over the giants. keep it up and good luck to you and your wife in May! i think that it is so awesome for you to compete together, but i don't envy being in a house where two people are pre-contest at the same time! Good Luck! |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2003/03/25, 06:26 PM
asimmer, you know what it is like, huh??? LOL....there are lots of times some apologies in order post contest! And to all who congratulated me, thank you. I do so appreciate it.-------------- The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt. |
Joined: 2003/02/18 ![]() |
2003/03/26, 01:08 PM
Good job bb1fit! Good luck to you both on the 17th |
Joined: 2001/12/13 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 11:37 AM
Great job! And good luck on the next one...we're all pulling for ya...-------------- **_Robert_** Pain is temporary; glory is forever! |
Joined: 2003/01/23 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 01:01 PM
Kudos to you BB1! Always an inspiration.Now then, you wrote that you had a "fun night" with a "good meal"... None of my business about the "fun night" part, but about that good meal... please tell me, what does THE Mr. BB1 have as a cheat meal? So help me if you say you went out on the town and indulged in a "lite portion" chicken salad with low fat dressing and a tall soy nog to wash it down, I'm gonna hang it up! Please tell me it was something greasy, fattening, and with very little nutritional value. PLEASE! Reveal your weak moment! I need to hear it! TSMD |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 01:09 PM
tenorsaxmandave...LOL....All those things you mentioned are what I dreamed of I was going to have after the show!! Ended up having Garlic Pasta w/lobster,shrimp, and king crab, and scallops, ate an entire loaf of seasoned bread with lots of butter, had a Michelob Ultra, which by the way was gone in about a minute flat! The next morning had a farmers omlette with banana nut bread, had a detour bar in between(we were on the road), then had Applebees' fajitas with a vanilla malt.( had them add my protein powder to it though!). Was very tasty. Hope that satisfies you...LOL...I wanted Steak and Shake chili 3 or 5 way, but didn't find one on the way. I am still laughing at your comment. -------------- The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt. |
Joined: 2003/01/23 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 01:15 PM
I knew it! But you HAD to make it a Michelob ULTRA, didn't you?! See, you even manage to "walk the walk" with your cheat meals. Damn!Sounds like a great evening, a great meal, and a great finish. Congrats again. And good luck to you and Mrs. BB1 in the pairs competition. TSMD |
Joined: 2002/11/18 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 02:40 PM
Okay everyone, I was there with BB1 and he did all that he said he had. He talked about that Mich. Ultra for months and it went down real fast when he finally let himself have it. The girl at Applebees was more than happy to make him a protein shake with real ice cream. Just to let you know that he is human, the last time he cheated was on Thanksgiving at my mother's house. They got so excited that he was eating, we took pictures. Now we are back to the real thing and when we get home from work at night, I fix us both a 5 egg white omelet before bed to top off the day.-------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!! |
Joined: 2002/11/18 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 02:42 PM
By the way he is doing more cardio now than I have ever seen him do. We all know how much he hates it, but he wants to be even more cut for the next show in May. What a guy, I have, dedication and hard work, that's what it is all about.-------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 03:50 PM
Hey, keep it up, both of you!I have a question for BB1Fit. or anyone else who has done a show, Did your stomach hurt, no matter what you ate for like a week or two after the show? Both my training partner and I experienced that and it sucked, we haven't figured out what caused it but would like to avoid it in the future.. -------------- Challenge + Consistency = Results |
Joined: 2001/06/30 ![]() |
2003/03/27, 05:14 PM
asimmer, I can only answer your question with my own experiences. And that has never happened to me. Not sure what could cause that.-------------- The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt. |
Joined: 2009/03/16 ![]() |
2009/03/16, 02:29 PM
i am 29 6'1 and 225lb would like to get to 195 by may 17th canit be done and how to do it i started running 3 to 4 miles 6 day a week and would like to lose some belly fat that i cant seem to get off. need some type off plane?:(