2008/03/24, 03:53 PM
Hi! I'm Kris. I'm 46 years old, 5' 8" and weigh about 152lbs. My weight fluctuates between 150 and 155, depending on the time of the month. I want to tone up, but have a difficult time knowing what to do for a home workout because I have two bulging discs in my lower back (which eliminates power walking, running, crunches) as well as being in the recovery process from a neck/shoulder injury, so pushups, behind the back dips, things like that are also out. Pretty much anything that is stressful on the trapezius muscles, the rotator cuff, or any other muscles across the top of the shoulders, the chest or the neck. I know what I can't do, I just don't know what I can do to strengthen and tone. I don't really need to lose any weight, just to strengthen and tone my body - lose fat.