Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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Comments on this diet?

Posts: 68
Joined: 2003/05/08
United States
2008/06/26, 02:02 PM
My goal is like everyone else this time of year. Get nice and "cut" as possible. Here's my plan so far. Any ideas on where I might need to improve? I am 5'8 190 work out 4 days a week.

4-6 oz of chicken breast
sugar free iced tea
Varied berries, blue berries and or strawberries
coffee w/ skim milk and splenda

Mid morn
Protein shake
piece of fruit

tuna with 1/2 tablespoon of low fat mayo mixed with onions
2 slices wheat toast OR corn tacos
coffee w skim milk and splenda

piece of fruit

4-6 oz chicken breast
variety of veggies
somedays baked tater
sugar free iced tea

1/2 shake
Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2008/06/27, 12:55 AM
If you are a man you aren't eating like one!

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/06/27, 01:22 AM
you spend all that time lifting weights dont wimp out when it comes to lifting the fork. id eat more but then again im not cutting... you need more carbs.
Posts: 21
Joined: 2008/06/10
United States
2008/06/27, 03:20 AM
i need help finding a diet any help plz!!!!!! im 15,165lbs,5'10" any help plzzz
Posts: 68
Joined: 2003/05/08
United States
2008/06/27, 01:34 PM
The shakes are 400 cals and 32 grams protein
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2008/06/27, 02:09 PM
That shake sucks. Buy a plain protein powder.

My shakes are like 200 cal and 50 g protein.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/03/15
2008/07/07, 11:08 AM
if you want like big and cut this is a real diet your diet is topic very bas

LUNDI/MARDI/MERCREDI prot carb fat calories

1 cuillère à soupe d?huile d?olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 blancs d'?ufs 43 1 135
150 gr oats 20,25 100,50 8,25 556,50
Sous-total 63,25 100,5 24,25 811,5

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1 bagel 9,5 44,5 1,4 219
Sous-total 47,5 51 3,9 419

3 bananes 4,5 60 210
Sous-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr poulet 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
300gr riz cuit (2 cup cuit) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sous-total 49,91 92,42 14,1 707,88

170 gr dinde 34 6,8 196,84
150 gr riz (1 cup cuit) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sous-total 38,05 43,5 7,1 394,84

150 gr thon 40,3 0,7 177
150 gr riz (1 cup cuit) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sous-total 44,35 43,5 1 375

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
Sous-total 38 6,5 2,5 200
285,56 397,42 52,85 3118,22
1142,24 1589,68 475,65 3207,57

36% 50% 15%

JEUDI/VENDREDI/SAMEDI prot carb fat calories

1 cuillère à soupe d?huile d?olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 blancs d'?ufs 43 1 135
150 gr oats 20,25 100,50 8,25 556,50
Sous-total 63,25 100,5 24,25 811,5

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1 bagel 9,5 44,5 1,4 219
Sous-total 47,5 51 3,9 419

3 bananes 4,5 60 210
Sous-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr poulet 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
300gr riz cuit (2 cup cuit) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sous-total 49,91 92,42 14,1 707,88

170 gr dinde 34 6,8 196,84
140 gr haricots verts 3,2 8,4 0,28 44
Sous-total 37,2 8,4 7,08 240,84

150 gr thon 40,3 0,7 177
100gr endives 1 4 0 20
Sous-total 41,3 4 0,7 197
1 tomate 2 7,4 0,6 42
226gr poulet 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
100 concombre 0,7 2,2 0,1 12
Sous-total 44,51 15,02 14,2 365,88
288,17 331,34 64,23 2952,1
1152,68 1325,36 578,07 3056,11

38% 43% 19%

DIMANCHE prot carb fat calories

1 cuillère à soupe d?huile d?olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 blancs d'?ufs 43 1 135
226 gr oats 30,51 150,75 12,37 834,75
1 banane 1,5 20 0 70
Sous-total 75,01 170,75 28,37 1159,75

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1-1/2 bagel 14,25 66,75 2,1 328,5
1 cuillère à café de confiture 0% 0,4 45 0,1 183
Sous-total 52,65 118,25 4,7 711,5

3 bananes 4,5 60 210
Sous-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr poulet 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
450 gr riz (2 cup 1/2 cuit) 12,15 130,5 0,9 594
Sous-total 53,96 135,92 14,4 905,88

170 gr dinde 34 6,8 196,84
300gr riz cuit (2 cup cuit) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sous-total 42,1 87 7,4 592,84

150 gr thon 40,3 0,7 177
150 gr riz (1 cup cuit) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sous-total 44,35 43,5 1 375

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200

Sous-total 38 6,5 2,5 200
310,57 621,92 58,37 4154,97
1242,28 2487,68 525,33 4255,29

29% 58% 12%

you can mail me at

Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2008/07/07, 02:42 PM
Posts: 68
Joined: 2003/05/08
United States
2008/07/08, 12:16 PM
English would be perfect PLEASE. I would like to see the diet you have in mind.
Posts: 21
Joined: 2008/03/13
United States
2008/08/15, 12:00 AM
Hey guys, I looked up the profile and noticed he was from France. I took the above text and ran it through French - English translation software online. It's not perfect but you can get a good idea of the diet.

Prot carb fat on MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY calories

1 tablespoonful of oil of olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 whites of ufs 43 1 135
150 gr oats 20,25 100,50 8,25 556,50
Sub-total 63,25 100,5 24,25 811,5

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1 bagel 9,5 44,5 1,4 219
Sub-total 47,5 51 3,9 419

3 bananas 4,5 60 210
Sub-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr chicken 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
300gr rice cooks (2 cup cooked) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sub-total 49,91 92,42 14,1 707,88

170 gr turkey 34 6,8 196,84
150 gr rice (1 cup cooked) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sub-total 38,05 43,5 7,1 394,84

150 gr tuna 40,3 0,7 177
150 gr rice (1 cup cooked) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sub-total 44,35 43,5 1 375

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
Sub-total 38 6,5 2,5 200
285,56 397,42 52,85 3118,22
1142,24 1589,68 475,65 3207,57

36 % 50 % 15 %

Prot carb fat on THURSDAY / FRIDAY / SATURDAY calories

1 tablespoonful of oil of olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 whites d '? ufs 43 1 135
150 gr oats 20,25 100,50 8,25 556,50
Sub-total 63,25 100,5 24,25 811,5

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1 bagel 9,5 44,5 1,4 219
Sub-total 47,5 51 3,9 419

3 bananas 4,5 60 210
Sub-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr chicken 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
300gr rice cooks (2 cup cooked) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sub-total 49,91 92,42 14,1 707,88

170 gr turkey 34 6,8 196,84
140 gr green beans 3,2 8,4 0,28 44
Sub-total 37,2 8,4 7,08 240,84

150 gr tuna 40,3 0,7 177
100gr chicories 1 4 0 20
Sub-total 41,3 4 0,7 197
1 tomato 2 7,4 0,6 42
226gr chicken 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
100 cucumber 0,7 2,2 0,1 12
Sub-total 44,51 15,02 14,2 365,88
288,17 331,34 64,23 2952,1
1152,68 1325,36 578,07 3056,11

38 % 43 % 19 %

Prot carb fat on SUNDAY calories

1 tablespoonful of oil of olive (5 ml) 15 120
10 whites d '? ufs 43 1 135
226 gr oats 30,51 150,75 12,37 834,75
1 banana 1,5 20 0 70
Sub-total 75,01 170,75 28,37 1159,75

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200
1-1/2 bagel 14,25 66,75 2,1 328,5
1 spoon with coffee of preserve 0 % 0,4 45 0,1 183
Sub-total 52,65 118,25 4,7 711,5

3 bananas 4,5 60 210
Sub-total 4,5 60 0 210

226gr chicken 41,81 5,42 13,5 311,88
450 gr rice (2 cup 1/2 cooked) 12,15 130,5 0,9 594
Sub-total 53,96 135,92 14,4 905,88

170 gr turkey 34 6,8 196,84
300gr rice cooks (2 cup cooked) 8,1 87 0,6 396
Sub-total 42,1 87 7,4 592,84

150 gr tuna 40,3 0,7 177
150 gr rice (1 cup cooked) 4,05 43,5 0,3 198
Sub-total 44,35 43,5 1 375

50 gr whey 38 6,5 2,5 200

Sub-total 38 6,5 2,5 200
310,57 621,92 58,37 4154,97
1242,28 2487,68 525,33 4255,29

29 % 58 % 12 %

Posts: 4
Joined: 2004/03/14
2010/09/24, 08:45 AM
but wait... you cut out the carbs right after your training? or when do you do it? mid day ... but when do you train to allow glycogen replenishment?
Posts: 4
Joined: 2009/04/28
United States
2010/12/02, 04:02 PM
i have heard 2 totally different approaches when it comes to olive oil...
1. drink 1 tbsp before your meal and it will help you lose weight
2. DO NOT mix good fats (olive oil) with carbs!!
... considering the way our body digest food either ALKALINE & ACID...
now olive oil is MOST alkaline and the oatmeal is MOST acid! so your basically pumping up both juices in your stomach which cannot be good... I SUGGEST...
olive oil with broccoli OR grapefruit OR watermelon... SOMETHING ELSE in the same digestive ph level.
Posts: 16
Joined: 2011/03/29
United States
2011/03/29, 10:27 PM
It looks good to me:dumbbell:

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