Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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Need Help Finding a diet!!!!!

Posts: 21
Joined: 2008/06/10
United States
2008/06/27, 10:09 PM
can someone plz help me imn not real good when it comes to dieting and have troble finding one any help would help alot im 15,165 5'10" plz help
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/10/11
2008/10/11, 11:49 PM
Hi there, considering you are quite young and it all depends on what you want to acheive for yourself. Are you wanting to gain muscle, fat, lose weight, what build are you?
If you are training at a gym with weight lifting, you have to make sure you are eating correctly, if you eat junk all of your hard efforts would be a waste.
When I was your age, even though i am female I ate healthy but still ate a bit of junk but if you get into the right habit it will stay with you and your body wll thank you for it later.
I foy would like me to give you a hand with a diet just message me with your details and your achievements and perhaps we could work together to acheive your goals.

Posts: 4
Joined: 2008/04/06
United States
2008/10/18, 06:11 PM
hey man, hows it going. i read your post. if you really have to be carefull with dieting. especially being young. what alot of ppl dont understand is that younger ppl cant be treated the same as adults. your bodys arent ready for that kind of treatment. i would first suggest like bellav has, that you figure out what your long term goals are. once you have an idea write them down that way you know what they and you have a referance to them. secondly stay away from fad diets, they are bad news. what usually happens is you will lose weight but you will gain it back within a year and usually more then you lost. fitness is a life style. not something that you can do, then stop and start again. its very hard on the body. i can tell you a simple plan that will HELP, not solve the problem, but HELP you get in the right direction. it is the 1-2-3 method. it represents 1 part fat, 2 parts protein, and 3 parts carbs. it would take me alot more space then i have to explain it further, but if you can goggle it, it will break it down so you can further understand it. also, if youre wanting to lose some weight and you have a gym you can go to, the first thing you need to do is cardio. for at least 30mins. you have to get your body in the ZONE to burn those calories. once you are in the ZONE go do your workout. i would like to talk more to you about this if you want. you can email me at hope this helps
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/11/13
United States
2008/11/13, 02:55 PM
Fruits, Vegetables, lean meats, monousaturated fats (olive oil), lean protein (soy milk 2% milk). So think Breakfast can be 2 eggs or eggwhites, side of broccoli and an orange. Snacks can be nuts with or without an apple or orange, Lunch could be a salad with sliced turkey, cheese, olive oil, garden of veggies, vinigar, ect. Dinner could be a small steak or chicken breast with a side of vegetables (broccoli is always good) and some frozen yogurt. :)