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2008/10/31, 12:32 PM
The Diet Plan
You will take your current intake (10 - 15 calories per pound of bodyweight, take the low end if you have a lot of fat to lose, the high end if you don?t have much left to lose) and change your macronutrient ratios to 50% protein, 20% carbohydrates and 30% good fat. When you count your carbs, count the starchy complex ones - you get a free ride with the fibrous veggies. So - for example a 2,000 calorie diet would break down into 250g protein, 100g CHO (starchy type) and 66g fat. Divide your protein by 6, that will be the grams per meal you are aiming for. Your 4th and 6th meals won?t have any starchy carbs, and 2nd meal will have very little carbs, so divide your carb amount into 3 and that is the grams of starchy complex carbs per meal 1, 3, and 5. You fats you will supplement with flaxseed or Udo?s blend, or use extra virgin olive oil. Flaxseed oil or Udo?s is good in shakes, olive oil is good on veggies or potatoes. So a 2000 calorie plan would break down like this: 42g pro per meal, 33g carbs at meal 1, 3, and 5, up to 11g fat per meal (but if you take oil pills you will need to include that in your total) So meals will look like this: Figure out how much of the starchy carbs/protein you need to get you required grams.(I will post food weights for a 2000 calorie plan in a day or so, as that is my amount and I have to figure it out) . Breakfast: egg whites or egg substitute to equal your protein needs Oatmeal to equal carb amount splenda and cinnamon okay It is okay to add some ground turkey breast or extra lean ground beef a few times a week to this meal, in addition to or instead of your egg whites. Meal 2: Shake - protein powder to meet your requirement and water, a few frozen strawberries or peach slices. You may add crystal lite or other diet drinks for flavor. If you opt for real food instead of a shake have chicken or turkey breast and a peach (or 5 strawberries). Meal 3: Chicken or turkey breast to meet your requirements Sweet potato or rice to meet carb requirement, ?free food? veggies Meal 4 protein powder in water Meal 5 chicken, turkey or fish Sweet potato or rice Free food serving A few nights a week skip the starchy carb at this meal and double the amount of veggies - stir fries are good for this, lots of free food veggies, strips of chicken or lean beef, yumm. Meal 6 egg whites with tomatoes, onions and green peppers or ?pudding? made from protein powder, water and tsp nut butter. (or a shake made with protein powder, water, nut butter) |
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Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:32 PM
Permissible Clean Food List:
Protein Sources: Beef (limit to 2 - 3 times a week): tenderloin, filet mignon, sirloin, flank steak, round steak, top round, roast beef, ground round, ground sirloin, 935 lean ground beef Poultry: Skinless chicken breast or tenders, Swanson?s canned chicken breast, turkey breast, turkey breast cutlets, 95% fat-free or leaner ground turkey breast. Deli turkey breast (lean) Fish (nearly all kinds) best bets: tuna, fresh or canned in water, cod, flounder, halibut, haddock, orange roughy, salmon (limit to twice a week), red snapper, perch, Pollock, scallops, shrimp, whitefish, swordfish Complex starchy carbs: oatmeal, cream of rice, puffed rice, rice cakes, cooked rice (white or brown), potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans (white, pinto, kidney or black), lima beans, corn, peas Fibrous veggies (free foods): Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, water chestnuts, zucchini Fruit alternates: Apple, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, nectarine, peach Seasonings and spices, etc. Soy sauce - you drink a lot of water and sweat a lot, soy sauce is okay Any sugar-free spice blend - a good way to change up fish and veggies, marinate chicken, etc. Hot sauce (sugar free vinegar-based) Drink lots of water - aiming for ½ to 1 gallon a day. Start with ½ gallon and see how you feel. -------------- Supplements: At this time you will need a good multivitamin/mineral supplement. You can take some of your good fat in the form of pills/capsules, but I like to save the fat allowance for topping my vegies, etc. So a good liquid fat supplement like Udo's Choice or just falxseed oil. In a pinch extra virgin olive oil. At this point it is good to let the diet and workout do the work so you have supplements in your bag of tricks when you feel you have plateaued. I would save the fat-burners, etc until you are leaner. If you feel you are fairly lean and need a boost, try a fat-burner like Beverly International's 7-keto muscle lean, or Lean out or even Lean System 7. At this point it is good to let the diet and workout do the work so you have supplements in your bag of tricks when you feel you have plateaued. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:34 PM
Beginners - work your way towards lifting progressively heavier each set and watch your form - this is a good time to ask a trainer at the gym for a few pointers if you are uncertain how to do something - they should not charge you for a few tips on form!
Mid-level lifters - you should know how to push yourselves by now! You should barely be able to get those last few reps (last set) without your form breaking. Advanced lifters - the last set should be failure at the last rep - push yourselves as if I was standing there behind you and please ask someone nearby for a spot on that last set! It is no fun to drop a dumbbell on yourself! Every workout - warm-up 5-8 minutes on a piece of cardio equipment - break a light sweat. I have worked a 15 rep warm-up set into your first exercise for each muscle group - stay fairly light on that set. Following sets the weight goes up as the reps go down. Tempo is 3 up, 3 down, nice and controlled. Up to a minute rest in-between sets, but if you feel you have recovered before a minute, go ahead with the next set. Mondays: Upper body - Chest, Back, Shoulders Warm-up - push-ups - 10 reps each style - do one set regular, on knees if necessary, and one set with your hands on a bench or step (incline), advanced trainers, one set with feet on a bench, hands on floor. Exercise Reps Incline DB Presses 15, 12, 10, 8 Incline flyes 12, 10, 8 Bentover rows 15, 12, 10, 8 (you can use the EZ curl bar or the Barbell, use a reverse grip) Wide grip pulldowns 12, 10, 8 DB overhead presses 15, 12, 10, 8 Side lateral raises 12, 10, 8 Stretches : Chest stretch, back stretch, shoulder stretch Tuesdays - Legs Warm-up bodyweight squats, 10 reps each - one set narrow stance, one set regular stance, one set wide stance Squats (DB or BB) 15, 12, 10, 8 Sumo squats 12, 10, 8 Sissy squats - 12, 10, 8 (start with bodyweight only if you haven?t done these before) Front squats - 12, 10 , 8 Stretches: side-lying quad stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, any additional leg stretches you like. Wednesday - No lifting..but! ABS! Do a warm-up like you normally do. Crossover crunches - 3 sets of 15 Lie on your back like you would fro regular crunches, knees bent, feet on floor. Crunch up and punch over your opposite knee from the hand you punch with. Alternate, punching over one knee and then the other. You need to do 15 reps on each side, so count one and one, two and two, etc. If these are too easy, slow down and hold a small (3lbs maybe) dumbbell in each hand. Double crunches - 3 sets of 12-20, Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, crunch up, bringing your hips up at the same time you curl your ribcage towards them. Make it smooth and controlled. Work from 12, adding a rep when it feels easy until you get to twenty. Thursdays - Back, Chest, Shoulders Warm-up - light bent over db rows, 3 sets of 10 Exercises Reps One arm DB rows 15, 12, 10, 8 Narrow grip pulldowns 12, 10, 8 Flat DB bench press 15, 12, 10, 8 Flat Flyes 12, 10, 8 Rear delt flyes 15, 12, 10, 8 Front raises 12, 10, 8 - do these with your palm facing in, like you are holding up a goblet for someone. Stretches - back stretch, chest stretch, shoulder stretch Fridays Warm-up - 3 sets 10 walking lunges, bodyweight only Exercises Reps Deadlifts 15, 12, 10, 8 (stiff-legged or regular, what you are comfortable with) Stationary lunges 12, 10, 8 Side lunges 12, 10, 8 (really sit onto the working leg, non-working leg is almost straight) Step-ups 12, 10, 8 Stretches - side-lying quads stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch Saturdays - No lifting, repeat abs if you feel up to it Sundays - REST |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:36 PM
After 6 weeks we switched the routine up:
Mondays: CHEST and calves (optional) warm-up - optional - 2 -3 sets light assisted dips push-ups 2 sets regular, 2 sets incline Incline Db presses (come together at the top) 12, 10, 8 Flat BB bench press 12, 10, 8 pick one: cable crossovers pec dec flyes db incline flyes 12, 12, 12 Standing calf raise (either smith machine or oone legged db on step) 12, 10, 8 Seated calf raise 12, 10, 8 Tuesday LEG DAY Squats 4 sets normal stance 15, 12, 10, 8 OR you can do Leg Press - same rep scheme Walking lunges db or ez bar 15, 15, 15 (satrt with 12 if you need to) each side jump squats 3 sets 12-15 land softly, save your knees! step-ups db or ez curl bar 3 sets 10-12 per leg Wednesday ABS resistance band crunches: loop a resistance band with handles around a pole/post/rack. lie with your head towards the post, kness bent, feet on floor, holding the handles near your hips, arms straight, so you have to press the band towards your feet by crunching (not by pulling with your hands) It will make sense when you dio it, I hope) 3 sets 15 reverse curls - reach back and grab that post you are near, bend your knees & cross your ankles, feet up in the air, use your abs to curl your hips towards your head - feet press up towards ceiling above your chest/head. 3 sets 12-15 Oblique med ball crunches (a good head on your shoulders) Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on floor. Hold a med ball - (start with 2-5 pounds) on your shoulder,a little bit in front of the shoulder, next to your head, opposite knee should be bent, foot on other knee (so confounded to try and type, you know, basic oblique crunch position). Use your abs to curl up and across, pushing the med ball with your shoulder towards the opposite hip. (I hope this all makes sense).Do all the reps on one side for the first set then switch knee/foot position and put the ball on the other shoulder for other side... 3 sets 12-15 per side. Thursday BACK warm-up - pull-ups assisted 2 sets wide grip, 2 sets chin grip Bent-over bb rows (ez bar is comfortble) 3 sets 12, 10, 8 close grip pulldowns 3 sets 12, 10, 8 SLDL 3 sets 12, 10, 8 back extension 3 sets 12 Friday Shoulders/Arms Warm-up light alternating presses 2 sets 10 Seated Overhead db presses 12, 10, 8 standing overhead bb presses 12, 10, 8 lateral raises 12, 12, 12 Superset tricep pressdown/db curls 12, 10, 8 Superset skullkrushers/standing ez bar curls 12, 10, 8 saturday - optional abs work or try a pilates dvd or a yoga dvd |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:36 PM
2007 cardio plan:
Mondays - after lifting - or at a seperate time of day if you can manage. HIIT: Start with this routine and add 1 1-minute up interval each week, until you get to 12 intervals: Minutes Intensity level 1-3:00 easy pace, warm-up 3:00 - 4:00 moderate pace, this will be your recovery pace 4:00 - 5:00 all out pace - work it, one minute! 5:00 - 6:00 recovery pace 6:00 - 7:00 all out pace 7:00 - 8:00 recovery pace 8:00 - 9:00 all out pace 9:00 - 10:00 recovery pace 10:00 - 11:00 all out pace 11:00 - 12:00 recovery pace 12:00 - 15 easy cool-down pace So - 4 intervals to start with - get breathless, get your heart rate up, watch for it to recover moderatley and then push it up again - Have fun! Tuesdays - no cardio Wednesdays - 30 minutes moderate pace - push yourself, warm-up and then get your heartrate up in the 75% - 80% , range most of the time, then cool-down and stretch and do your abs. Thursdays - same as Mondays HIIT after workout or seperate time of day Fridays - no cardio Saturdays - same as Wednesdays, abs if up to it. Sundays rest! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:37 PM
and when the cardio routine switched we did this:
New Cardio Schedule: Mondays Either in the early morning or post-lifting 15 minutes interval program on eliiptical, 15 minutes walk, jog, run intervals on treadmill - play with the incline a little, too. If you still feel fietsy, do 15 minutes hills on the upright or recimbent bike. Tuesday - no cardio - LEG day Wednesday HIIT - up to 25-30 minutex, as long as you have 10 up intervals and the middle two (interval 5 and 6) are 1 1/2 minutes long. Thursday 15 minutes machine 1, 15 minutes machine 2, 15 minutes machine 3 (miox it up with the programs and the machines, if you can't switch machines, stay on the same one and switch programs every 15 minutes) (so elliptical 15, bike 15, treadmill 15, however it works) have fun and push yourself a bit! Friday Hiit 17 minutes, 3 up, then a minute up, a minute down until minute 14 and 3 down. Short and fast Saturday step aerobics or kickboxing - get a dvd from the library or find a class! If all else fails - get the step out at he gym, put your headphones on and step up and down for warm-up 5 minutes, steady 20-25 minutes, cool-down 5 minutes. SUNDAY - REST! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:39 PM
The 2008 lifting routines began with this:
WSSC Challenge Workout This workout is meant to be fast-paced, not really heavy weights, low rest periods. Get in, work out, get out. Maximal calorie burn and fun! I am basing these workouts on Extreme Fat Loss Training by Alwyn Cosgrove, mostly they are his plan with a few changes. The changes I have made are to give people of differing fitness levels options to make the workout easier/harder for them. Be sure that if you do the first level of an exercise and it is too easy that the next time you do the second level. Weeks 1-4 These are all supersets - meaning you do one set of exercise A1 followed immediately by one set of A2 Most tempo is 2 count lowering, 1 count pause at the bottom and 2 count lifting. Rest period is 60 seconds between supersets. Mondays: Workout One A1 Squats - beginners - bodyweight or light dumbbells More advanced trainees use Barbell or heavier dumb bells 2-3 sets 20 reps A2 Push-ups Beginners - on your knees, more advanced on your toes, even more advanced do T-push-ups 2-3 sets 8 of each B1 Step-ups beginners use a lower step and bodyweight only, intermediate higher step and dumbbells, advanced higher step, heavier dumb bells 2-3 sets 20 reps B2 Seated Row Use a cable or an exercise band, 2-3 sets 20 reps C1 Lying Hamstring/glutes on Swiss ball - Beginners : Lie on your back with your calves on a Swiss ball, legs straight. Tuck your abs in, tailbone up and lift your glutes a few inches off the floor. Keeping your glutes tight, press one leg into the ball and lift the other up a few inches off the ball, alternate for the number of reps indicated. Intermediate - Same set up but when you bridge up you will bring the ball in towards you by bending at the knees and set your glutes down in between reps. So it is tuck abs, bridge up, curl in, extend out bridge down, untuck. Advanced - same as intermediate only do one leg at a time. 2-3 sets 10-20 reps C2 Swiss Ball crunches - beginners regular crunches, Intermediate and advanced add weight with med ball or dumb bell held over chest - advanced hold it above your head. 2-3 sets 12-20 reps Wednesdays: Workout 2 A1 Deadlift (not stiff-legged) beginner?s use light weight and work on form. More advanced use heavier weight. 2-3 sets 20 reps A2 Seated DB military press 2-3 sets 20 reps B1 Lunges - Beginners static lunges (split squat) do all reps one side before switching legs and doing reps on other side. Intermediate/advanced Bulgarian Split squat - back leg toe on bench. No weight the first few times. 2-3 sets 20 reps per leg B2 DB pullover - 2-3 sets 20 reps each C1 Hip Bridge : Beginners - lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on floor. Your arms should be out wide for stability. Push your heels into floor and bridge up until you are resting on the wide space between your shoulders blades. Come back down staying one inch from floor before going back up. More advanced - keep one leg straight along the floor - lift it up and then bridge up by pushing the foot of the bent leg into the floor., keeping thighs aligned, one inch off floor - this is your start/finish position - now bridge up to top position (resting on wide space between shoulder blades) and then back down to just one inch off floor.2-3 sets 20 reps C2 Jack knife on the ball - Face down, hands on floor in a push up position, feet on a Swiss ball - bring the ball in to your chest by tucking your legs in under you - (try not to pike up, different exercise) and focus on using your abs and core to remain stable. 2-3 sets 10 reps D Prone Cobra - Lie on your face on the floor, arms palm down at your sides. Contract your glutes and low back so that your upper body and legs come up off the floor - at the same time rotate your arms so your thumbs point up towards the ceiling. Hold at top position - beginners for 10 seconds, advanced working toward 60 seconds. Advanced may hold dumbbells if this is too easy. 1 set, 1 rep of 60 sec. If 60 sec is too hard, do multiple sets that add up to 60 sec total (example - 6 - 10 sec holds, 3 20 sec holds). Fridays: Same as Monday This will alternate each week - One week will be Workout One, Workout Two, Workout One. The next week you will start with Workout Two, Workout One, Workout Two. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:40 PM
WSSC Challenge Workout Weeks 5 - 8
Workout One: A1, A2 & A3 are performed circuit style, one set of each right after the other. B1m B2 & B3 are performed as a second circuit. So complete all sets of A1, A2, A3 before going to the B exercises. This times tempo is 3 count up, 1 count pause, 3 count down on A1 and B1, 1 count up, one count pause, 3 count down for the rest. Rest 90 sec between circuits of the 3 exercises (do A1, A2, A3 1 set each, rest 90 sec, then repeat) A1 Partial co-con lunge 12-15 per leg weeks 5& 6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Beginning in a lunge position, lower your back leg until your knee touches the floor. Place one hand on the inside of your front knee (tear drop) , place your other hand on the glute of the same leg. Now raise your back knee one inch off the floor and you?ll feel the teardrop and the glute contract. This is the start position. Slowly raise yourself up by extending both legs - all the time feeling for tension in the two muscles. The second you lose that tension (it likely won? t be too long) pause and slowly return to the start position (one inch off floor). Only work in the range where the muscles are contracting, repeat for the number of reps listed or until muscle failure - whichever comes first. Repeat with other side. A2 Wide Grip Seated Row - 12 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Take an overhand, outside shoulder width grip, slight backwards lean in trunk A3 Romanian (stiff legged) Dead lift 12 reps wks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Take a medium grip (about shoulder width grip) on a barbell (or use dumbbells). Standing upright, lower the bar by bending at the hips, not at the knees. Knees can be slightly bent but should remain at the same angle during the movement. B1 Incline Bench Press 12-15 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets B2 Step ups 12 reps - 3-4 sets (you have been doing these, so 4 would be okay) B3 Reverse Crunch - 12 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Workout 2 A1, A2, A3 are performed in a circuit, B1, B2, B3 second circuit. Same 90 sec rest between circuits. Tempo - the jump exercises are - jump up, pause, 3 down, the rest are 3 up, 1 pause, 3 down. Upper body Russian twist is 2 up, zero pause, 2 down. A1 Jump Squat 12 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Stand erect with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, roes straight ahead or slightly out. Keeping back stable and weight in your heels, bend at the hips and lower glutes towards the floor. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, you?ve reached the start position. Forcefully straighten your hips, knees and ankles in one explosive contraction, causing your feet to lose contact with the floor. Your objective is to get as high off the ground as possible. As your feet return to the floor and your toes make contact, absorb the shock by immediately returing to the low-squat position. Without pausing, repeat. At first you may have to pause and regain your balance at. When doing these with a barbell the bar should never leave your traps, and don?t try to go heavy with these. A2 Dumbbell Push Press 12reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets A total body DB overhead press. Begin with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with a dumb bell in each hand at shoulder height. Dip the body by bending the knees, hips and ankles slightly. Explosively drive upward with your legs, driving the dumbbells up off the shoulders, vigorously extending arms over head (but don?t snap your elbows out at the top). Lower the dumbbells to your shoulders and repeat. A3 Good Morning 12 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets With a barbell on your upper back/traps, take a shoulder width stance and slightly bend the knees. Knees don?t move during the exercise. Flex or lower at the waist, keeping chest up and hips/spine aligned. Only flex forward as far as you can before rounding your spine or rotating your hips - for most this will not be very far. You can accentuate the hamstring involvement by pushing your butt back and letting the weight drift into your heels during the lowering phase. During the lift, squeeze your glutes. B1 Wide Grip Pulldown 12-15 reps weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets B2 Static Lunge12 each, weeks 5&6 - 3 sets, weeks 7&8 - 4 sets Get set up in a good lunge position - do all reps on one side, then switch and do all reps on the other. Bottom position, knee should almost touch the ground, top position just short of lockout. B3 Upper Body Russian Twists If you have a partner or something to hook your feet under you can do these on the floor - if you don?t you can do them with your shoulders on a Swiss ball. Legs bent 90 degrees, keeping your arms extended, palms together (hold a med ball for more challenge), rotate from side to side (waist rotation, ab recruitment) C Prone Cobra - 1 set?increase time to 120 seconds. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:41 PM
For the last 4 weeks of your challenge this will be your routine J
You will perform workout 1 on Mondays and Thursdays, workout 2 on Tuesdays and Fridays. Workout 1 Do A1 - A4 like a giant superset - straight through. Rest 2 minutes after doing one set of all 4 exercises , then do the second set, etc. A1 Dynamic lunges 3 sets 15 reps per leg A2 Barbell Military Press 3 sets 15 A3 Single leg stiff leg dead lift 3 sets 15 per side A4 Mixed grip chins or pull-downs 3 sets 15 reps B1 Good morning 2-3 sets 15 reps each B2 Dips 2-3 sets 15 reps C LB Russian Twist 2 sets 10 each side. Dynamic lunges - start into a lunge position, from the low position drive off the lead leg explosively and return to start position, you can alternate legs or do all one side then the other. Use dumbbells for loading when you have the movement down. Military Press Seated. Grip barbell at shoulder width. If you have no pre-existing shoulder problems you will be pressing the bar from the position where it would sit across your shoulders for a squat. If this makes you uncomfortable you can press it in front of your face, starting at eye level - going to full extension on the press in both cases. Single leg SLDL - Stand on one leg, have the other foot off the ground but as parallel as possible with the working leg. ( I usually have my clients bring the non-working leg up behind them as they lower the weights in front) Slowly lower the weight in front of the working leg, until you get as low as you can while still balancing. Try not to touch down with the non-working leg. Mixed Grip chi-ups or pull-downs. Hang from the bar (or assisted pull-up stand), one palm facing you, one palm away from you. Maintain a neutral torso, pull yourself up by contracting your lats until your chest touches the bar. Alternate grips for each set. If this is too difficult do regular grip assisted chins or pull-downs. Good Morning - With the barbell on your back, take a shoulder width stance and slightly bend at the knees. The knee angle is not to change during the movement. Flex or lower forward from the waist, keeping your chest up/hip and spine aligned. Only flex forward as far as you can PRIOR to any rounding of the spine or posterior rotation of the hip. For most this will not be very far. You can accentuate the hamstring involvement by pushing the butt back and allowing your weight to drift to your heels during the lowering. During the lift, squeeze your glutes. Dips - Start with arms fully extended, bend arms and lean torso forward as necessary. Pause in bottom position and then return to top by straightening the arms. Add weight as necessary with a weighted belt (if using assisted dip - reduce assistance). Lower Body Russian twists - lie on the floor facing up, arms extended to 90 degrees and legs straight up you can hold a dumbbell in each hand or hold onto the base of a power rack for stability. Keeping your shoulders and arms flat on the floor - lower your legs to the left, keeping them straight until they are one inch from the floor. From this position raise your legs and return to start position. Repeat for the other side. Workout 2 Same scheme with A1-A4 being a giant set with 2 minute rest between rounds. A1 Single leg dead lift 3 sets 15 reps each leg A2 SB Push-ups 3 sets 15 A3 Overhead squat 3 sets 15 A4 Inverted Row 3 sets 15 B1 Single leg squat (pistols) 2-3 sets 15 each B2 Triceps Press down 2-3 sets 15 each C SB crunch 2 sets 15 each D Prone Cobra 1 set 180 seconds goal Single leg dead lift - Thos is a single leg bent knee dead lift. Stand on one leg and bend the other leg up until the lower leg is parallel to the floor. Hands on hips or by your side. The aim is to bend the working leg until the knee of the non-supporting leg is brushing the ground. In reality you may have to settle for a shorter range of motion, look to increase the range from workout to workout. You can bend forward at the waist as much as you need to, doing so will increase glute involvement. Keep the working knee aligned neutrally throughout the movement. When you can do 15-20 reps full range you can add dumb bells. Push ups on Swiss ball - place you hands on a Swiss ball, with the rest of your body in the push-up position. Lower your body until your chest touches the top of the ball. Be careful because the ball wobbles - forcing you to activate muscles you didn?t even know you had! As you progress you can elevate your feet, once that is easy use a ball for each hand. Overhead squat - Set a bar in the squat rack above your head height. Grasp the bar with a wide overhand grip and extend to lockout. From this position, with bar overhead, flex you knees and hips and lower into a full squat. Keeping the bar in the overhead position, return to standing. Inverted row - Lie on your back under an Olympic bar that is placed stationary in a squat rack (or even easier use a smith machine) just slightly beyond arms length. Grab the bar in an overhand grip and pull the upper body up to the bar so the chest touches the bar. Keep the body completely flat (planked) through the entire motion. Single leg squat - stand on one leg next to the squat rack or similar equipment you can grab for stabilization. Place the other leg out in front, so the heel stays just off the ground at all times. Bend the support knee and go down as far as you can whilst keeping your foot flat on the ground. 3 seconds down, no pause, explosive up (controlled). Work on range of motion and once you get 15 good full reps add dumb bells. Triceps press down - medium overhand grip. Don?t let tension off the targeted muscle. Swiss ball crunch - you should know these J Prone cobra - familiar already - hold for longer J |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:41 PM
Weeks 13-16 - work 4 times a week, mon/tues/thurs/Fri
Day 1, 3 A1 deadlift 4 sets 10 reps 0 rest A2 explosive push-up 4 sets 10 reps 0 rest A3 Bulgarian Split Squat 4 sets 10 per leg 0 rest A4 Two point Dumb bell row 4 sets 10 each 60 sec rest B1 Deadlift off box (same as deadlift, but you stand on a step..) 2 sets 20 reps 0 rest B2 DB bench Press 2 sets 20 reps 0 rest B3 Bulgarian split squat 2 sets 20 each 0 rest B4 Seated Cable row 2 sets 20 each 60 sec rest C Hanging leg raise 2 sets 10 60 sec rest Day 2, 4 A1 Front Squat 4 sets 10 reps 0 rest A2 Close grip Chins 4 sets 10 reps 0 rest A3 Step up 4 sets 10 each 0 rest A4 DB push press 4 sets 10 reps 60 sec rest B1 Squat 2 sets 20 rep 0 rest B2 Wide Grip Pulldown 2 sets 20 reps 0 rest B3 Step up 2 sets 20 each 0 rest B4 Db military press 2 sets 20 reps 60 sec rest C swiss ball crunches, med ball throw if you have the wall or partner for it, otherwise just use the med ball for weight over your head while crunching 2 sets 15 reps 60 sec rest D Prone cobra 1 set 180 seconds goal |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:44 PM
and the 2008 cardio:
Weeks 1-4 Tuesdays HIIT: Start with this routine and add 1 1-minute up interval each week, until you get to 12 intervals: Minutes Intensity level 1-3:00 easy pace, warm-up 3:00 - 4:00 moderate pace, this will be your recovery pace 4:00 - 5:00 all out pace - work it, one minute! 5:00 - 6:00 recovery pace 6:00 - 7:00 all out pace 7:00 - 8:00 recovery pace 8:00 - 9:00 all out pace 9:00 - 10:00 recovery pace 10:00 - 11:00 all out pace 11:00 - 12:00 recovery pace 12:00 - 15 easy cool-down pace So - 4 intervals to start with - get breathless, get your heart rate up, watch for it to recover moderately and then push it up again - Have fun! Thursdays - Moderate pace 30 minutes. This can be on any piece of equipment - get your heart rate up to 75-80%, this could even be biking or running outside (enjoy that spring weather!!!). Saturdays - either do a class, a video OR this on a machine: 15 minutes 1 minute up, 1 minute down after warm-up followed by 15 min mod-hard pace steady. (30 minutes total) Any additional cardio you want to do is fine, as long as it isn't too intense, so walking, bike riding, recreational sports, etc. Just don't get so fatigued that you are burnt out for lifting. Recovery is important! Sundays are a day of rest - walking is okay but really let your muscles recover for a whole day. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:45 PM
Next week let's switch the Thursday Cardio to this:
Warm-up for 5 minutes on the treadmill, then gradually increase the incline and speed to a fast walk, incline about 3. Go for 5 minutes, stop and on the floor next to the treadmill do the following: 10 8-count bodybuilders (explanation to follow) 10 per side mountain climbers 30 per side (alternating) fake jump rope, double hop on each foot Now go back to the treadmill, ramp it back up to fast walk, incline 3-5 and go for 5 minutes. repeat the whole thing until you have done 30-35 minutes total, cooling down for 5 minutes on the treadmill, gradually slowing down and reducing the incline to zero. Okay - 8 count bodybuilders: 1) drop into a crouch 2) thrust your feet out behind you (into a plank position) 3) down pahse of push-up 4) up phase of push-up 5) pop your toes out wide 6) pop your toes back in 7) bring your feet back under you (crouch position) 8) pop up to standing Repeat! If you don't have a treadmill you can do the intervals on an elliptical, stationary bike or jogging in place! Just PUSH IT! |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 12:52 PM
And apparently I never posted further cardio routines...I think the intervals just got longer or you added intervals to the HIIT...
lol. I hope this is what you were looking for. let me know if you have any further questions :) -------------- A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last. Lord Chesterfield |
Joined: 2008/09/02 ![]() |
2008/10/31, 01:42 PM
This is exactly I was looking for. I will measure my stats this weekend and start routines on Monday.
I will let you know my progress at the end of it. Looking forward to be part of any new challenges. THANK YOU very much. |
Joined: 2008/09/02 ![]() |
2008/11/04, 02:27 PM
Quick Question...
I starteed this routine. So far good. Some of the excecises are not know to me( I'm trying ot find info in google) and also my fitness center is not very convenient to switch between multiple sets. its so crowded. I usually do from 6 to 7.30PM to avoind this I started going early in the morning from 5.30 to 7 AM. its vey less crowded in the morning. What do you recommend eating before my workout. I started eating a small Granola bar or small cup of oatmeal pre-workout and one scoop proten powder mixed in low fat milk after the workout and eating my breakfast at 8. do you think its okay to have this diet. regards |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/11/05, 08:11 AM
I think the oatmeal and protein powder are a good choice - you could even throw the oats, the protein and some frozen berries and water inthe blender and make a shake.
I find if I am getting up and going straight to the gym I don't like that much in my stomach, so i will just have a scoop of protein in water, and then eat my oats or rice and more protein right after my workout. -------------- A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last. Lord Chesterfield |
Joined: 2008/11/02 ![]() |
2008/11/05, 09:29 PM
Protein in water? gah I can't do that without getting sick :p. I was told that protein does no good for your body before workouts though and to only have the powder AFTER a workout.. I've read up on the opposing views and I've found myself pretty split between the two. So, usually before I go to the gym I've been eating a skinless chicken breast in a sandwich or other natural protein-rich foods.. Am I losing anything by not having the powder before and only having it directly after?
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/11/07, 07:56 AM
I just do it to prevent muscle breakdown - any protein in your system should facilitate that. i just don't like to eat much solid food early in the morning, i wake up, have a shake and go.
Umm, you can find 'research' that will support pretty much any side of the arguement. I just think working out on empty is counterproductive, but I can't stomach much carbs that early (a pre-workout meal with some complex carbs and protein is ideal)so I try to minimize the catabolic effect by having some protein. If you are working out later in the day, when you have had some meals already and you have fuel in your system, I would bet that a pre-workout rptoein supp is not as imperative. in that case, the after workout shake is probably more important. -------------- A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last. Lord Chesterfield |
Joined: 2008/09/02 ![]() |
2008/12/15, 01:39 PM
Hi Amy,
I'm half way through with this challenge. Completed 6 weeks. I couldn't do some routines but did some other routines to hit the target muscle group. I'm going to continue but just wanted to share my results with you. Do you think the results are in line with the expectations. Please let me know Before After 1. Weight 186 LB 174 LB 2. Chest 39" 39" 3. Biceps 12.5" 13" 4. Waist 37.5" 37" 5. Hips 41" 40.5" |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/12/15, 07:59 PM
i think you are doing well, your measurements havent dropped as much as some I have seen with my challenges, but keep it up. often 6-8 weeks is the point where your body really kicks into high gear and starts dropping fat. 12 pounds lost is nice though! that is an average of 2 pounds a week, which is excellent ;)
How do you feel about it? -------------- A man of sense is never discouraged by difficulties; he redoubles his industry and his diligence, he perseveres and infallibly prevails at last. Lord Chesterfield |
Joined: 2008/09/02 ![]() |
2008/12/17, 11:29 AM
I'm absolutely feeling good. I feel more energetic and confident looking. I still have a long way to go. i also checked my BF% and it come our 18. I'm really happy about it and targetting to be around 15. I think once I loose my Love handles and some fat in my thighs i will be around my goal.
thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2008/12/17, 12:53 PM
Joined: 2007/01/14 ![]() |
2009/03/01, 03:59 PM
Nice to see this info gathered in one place. I wanted to recapture some of my success from 2007 and the WSSC was instrumental in that. Anyone wanting to lose weight, you could try this with confidence.
My personal challenge starts proper next week. J |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2009/03/06, 11:03 PM
Good luck, Jonshez :) You did great with this plan last time :big_smile:-------------- A moments insight is sometimes worth a lifes experience. Oliver Wendell Holmes www.physicalfitnet.com/amy4training |