Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
Most logic says if you're going to do serious cardio and lift on the same day, it's cardio in the am and lifting in the afternoon or evening. It gives you a chance to take in some calories so you have enough gas left in the tank to lift later. I personally don't do both in the same day. I alternate lifting and heavy cardio days.
On training days I exercise 2 x per day. One weight training session...then at least 4 hours later I do cardio 45-50 min.
I learned from a scientific research study that cortisol level rise if you exercise more than 50 min. at a time. This makes your body turn in to flight reflex mode and your body tries to hold on to its fat stores. If you want to get more cardio in that will be fine keep it, but you need to structure your workouts to be productive in losing bodyfat by timing them at least 4 hours apart or more. I hope this helps.
It is best to do weights first after a carb rich breakfast so you have the energy stores to do it. If you did weights first you would most likely burn more fat calories while doing cardio because more glycogen would be used up already.
Glycogen stores are needed for weight don't want to deplete them before you train hard with weights. Expecially if you are on a low carb diet.
If you are only trying to bulk, you need to cut out that long hard cardio and use it in shorter sessions on non training days.
If you want to do weights in the evening and cardio in the am you should do cardio on an empty stomach and eat a carb rich lunch before weight training in the evening. Just make sure you space out your workouts at least 4 hours is all thatn matters and the fuel timing is an important factor to accomplish building, repairing, and burning fat. You don't want to lift weights with no fuel or do cardio with eating carbs right before or you will only burn off your meal...not fat stores.