Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
i like workin out but its rare that i get motivated i need someone to push me along when i wanna give up lol .......i just need the good motivation i cant find
i need help coming up with a good diet to go along with my work out .... im 15 170 an mostly my gut an man boobs i would really appresiate any help that i can get thanks
the best motivation- think of what you want to become every time you work out find some way to pump yourself up
all in favor of Buggs bunny? ok now all in favor of Efrum the retarded rabbit?-family guy
Think about those man boobs, and how good it'd be to get rid of them. Think about everyone you know that is too lazy to go to the gym, and pat yourself on the back for going further than your peers. One thing I've realized over the years is that you have to be your own hero.