Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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beginner grip workout

Posts: 270
Joined: 2006/06/01
United States
2009/01/17, 05:32 PM
hey, i have looked for a beginner grip workout but haven't really come up with anything. i decided i would start grip training because my grip is really interfering with my body strength. i can squat about 550 pounds but even though i haven't deadlifted in probably a year maybe more, i can't do more than 405 because the bar slips out of my hands before i get up. i read that a hang board for moutain climbers is really good for functional strength. and i know about plate pinches. what else can i do? can you give me an idea of sets reps?

Veni,Vidi,Vici.= I came, I saw, I conquered.- Ceasar
Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2009/01/17, 05:42 PM
Heavy ass Farmer Walker and Static Holds.

For Static Holds you can just load up some heavy weight in a rack like a rack pull and just hold it there for long periods of time or when maxing out on deadlifts hold it up for as long as possible.

Farmers Walks is hands down the best for this and for me I just grab heavy ass dumbbells and walk across the gym or until I can go anymore.

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!

Squat 285
Deadlift 355
Bench 260x2
Posts: 270
Joined: 2006/06/01
United States
2009/01/20, 03:13 PM
thanks. but i can't really do farmers walks because first of all my gym (Bally's) only has dumbells up to 85 pounds and i would have no place to do them. maybe ill give static holds a try.
i just ordered a book by John Brookfield called "The Grip Master's Manual". I heard he is a grip monster, don't know if the book is any good though

Veni,Vidi,Vici.= I came, I saw, I conquered.- Ceasar