Thanks to my back injury (2 bulging discs in lower back, L5, S1) my once in fit and very athletic body as gone down the tubes. so for the past 5 years i have been unable to do anything due to pain. Doctors say they cant help me unless i want to have surgry and i dont want to do that. So now im going to step up and do what i can to get my body back to where i want it or close to it at least. my question is, Is there anything that i should stay away from that would make the discs worse? I was told that i need to stregthen my back muscles and that would make it better as well as help flatten my tummy. Any advice would be very much appreciated
1.Don't lift weights over your head (Visualize how that will compress the discs and make them bulge out of alignment).
2. Use a bench as much as possible and have your back supported.
3. Don't try to be a hero. Be consistent but don't overlift or overwork.