2009/05/05, 01:45 PM
Hi to all. I am new to FT and I am very excited to join. It seems that there is alot of support here. I am getting married on July 19, 2009 to my childhood sweetheart and have a almost 8 mo old baby. so I need to loose that baby/ mcdonald weight. lol my goal is to loose atleat 20 lbs by the end of june. I am eating right, no pop, junk, and a very strickt diet plan. I also do about 45min -1 hr of tae bo everymorning and then run on tredmill for 30-40 min every afternoon. UGH Well ttfn. glad to be here
2009/05/05, 04:42 PM
Welcome, it is great to see some one so committed already. The only thing I would suggest is to include weight training in your routine a couple of times a week. Building muscle helps burn the fat and tones the body.:big_smile:
-------------- mad-mama in Edmonton
2009/05/05, 07:23 PM
Yep I am including weights with my workouts everymorning. low weight more reps, trying to burn, build later. thanks
2009/05/06, 10:58 AM
hey i had to post back cuz july 19th is my wedding date too. i have been married 7yrs and with my own childhood sweetheart for 5yrs b4 that. CONGRATS I have @ 50lbs to lose and my biggest prob is motavation. I love fresh fruits and veggies so eating isnt a prob. finding something i enjoy has been a challenge. I like yoga and joggn but im not sure if yoga is going to do anything for me or not and its still a little cold here in idaho to jog but 2 yrs ago i joggd 2 miles 3xs a week (at least) and lost 10 lbs a month. by the end of summer i was 130 again Yippie