Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 24, Messages: 5369

Discuss the process of preparing for a competition on the sport of body building, fitness and more!

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Posts: 3
Joined: 2009/07/17
United States
2009/07/17, 12:33 PM
i am a 21 year old male and I am working towards bodybuilding. I just want to gain some size, not huge. My question is about recovery time. It is very hard for me not to workout everyday. If i am not sore can i still workout? I am on the warrior diet and I drink coffee every morning, i was thinking maybe that effects my recovery time, the combination of the two make me pretty aggressive. Certain muscles get sore like my calves but just about every other is not sore the following day, so can i still workout every day and expect results.
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2009/07/18, 08:11 PM
Nothing is sore the next day? That doesn't sound like a very effective routine to me. A little soreness is a good thing. The coffee isn't stunting any growth. What you are eating is going to be the determining factor of your success. If you aren't eating tons of protein and as clean as possible, you probably won't get the results you're looking for. One rule of thumb for growth is 20 calories per pound of body weight, per day. I'm a little over 200 pounds, so that would mean I'd need around 4000+ calories a day for good growth.
Take a serious look into your routine. The absence of soreness says to me that you are not sufficiently damaging your muscle tissue, which won't promote significant regrowth. If you haven't already, look into a free program from this site for muscle building.
By the way, you're bound to gain some fat in all of this, but once you get the size you're looking for it should be pretty easy to shed with the proper cutting cycle.
Posts: 19
Joined: 2006/07/03
United States
2009/07/19, 11:42 PM
the lack of soreness may be because you are 21....your body is full of hormones right now and is repairing muscle faster than it ever will...try doing super-sets and sets to failure to really fatigue the muscle. you can probably hit each bodypart 2 times a week with 48 hours in between hitting it, just make sure you take 1 full day off every week, and you get plenty of sleep.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2009/07/17
United States
2009/07/20, 12:45 PM
thank you for the advice. But I do have a very intense workout. I superset each body part (upper body) starting with the largest muscles and work my way down. Then when i feal like passing out, i take it one more step and do 1 to 2 reps of very high weight (each body part). I honestly believe my workout is enough to build muscle, and with the past weak i have noticed a little bit of definition. I just was wondering if it would be ok to do it everyday, because i have that drive. Maybe i could superset one day and strength train another, with 1 to 2 days off.