I only weight 130 lbs. im in the navy and from sept 08 to april 09 i was on deployment where i work out almost every day and when i got home i only weight about 3 lbs more but my abs were hard but you still couldn't see them. currently im on shore duty so i have all the time in the world to work out. my wife just gave birth to our daughter this past feb. she gain over 50lbs during her preg. and weights 205 now. she was around 150ish before getting preg. now she wants to do the p90x and so do i. i want to gain weight. my goal is to be around 150-155 with my abs showing good. what should i do. i don't have to money to spend on all the stuff to get major ass result. stuff you buy form gnc you know. what do i do?
bulk up lift heavy eat heavy if you can get whey i would but thats just me i dont know what to think of the p90x ive seen the infomercial theres a lot of hype behind it.
I know you posted this question several months ago, but I'm new to this page, so I just saw it. I would HIGHLY recommend P90X to anyone interested in changing their fitness level. Depending on the weights you lift you can gain muscle size or slim down. My husband and I have been using this program for over 2 years. Message me if you want more info. There's a reason there's hype about this program-it's changing lives everyday!