Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
Hi - im short and buld muscle like a gymnast but i want to lose fat and lean down and get rid of some of my over worked do i do this!!!?? I know weight training is important but i seriously bulk up without trying! i just want to be as lean as i can - i dont want to look like 'Pink'
Unless you are eating an amount of calories well beyond your maintainence level, you're not going to "bulk up" to any appreciable levels. Probably whats happening is when you lift, the muscle you do have is filling up and making you look bulkier because of any fat that's on top of it.
Don't stop strength training, but DO start watching your calorie intake. A reduced calories diet coupled with strength training and cardio is the full solution for weight loss.