2009/08/27, 09:19 AM
I've been lifting for approximately 6 months and have made nice strength gains, but haven't really gained weight - maybe 5 pounds. I realize I am probably not eating enough, but I also wonder if I am overtraining. My schedule:
-Bicep Curls
-Leg Presses
-Leg curls
-Leg Extensions
-Calf extensions
-Lat Pulldown
- dumbell curls
-Incline Bench
-Lateral raises
-Military Press
-Tricep Extension
Wednesday --- off day
Thursday -same as Monday
Friday - same as Tuesday, except I swap incline bench for flyes.
I do 3 sets for each exercise and I shoot for reps of 8,6,4. I consistently add weight and have made great strides in that area.
My questions:
1. Could I be overtraining? If so, what should I do different?
2. The nurtitional profile says I should be eating 4000 calories - how in the world do I do that? My job doesn't lend itself to eating all day long. My guess is over the past couple weeks or so, as I have focused more on my eating, I am around 3,000 calories a day and I do get quite a bit of protein. Obviously, its not enough if I am not gaining weight though. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks guys - love this site.
2009/08/27, 12:21 PM
Also the order you are working your muscles in seems kind of odd to me. Maybe what you should try(in this order) is Monday: chest,back,biceps. Tuesday: Legs,shoulders,triceps.
Compound movements should always come first because they recruit multiple muscles. Doing biceps before back exhausts the biceps, and makes your back movements less effective because the biceps are involved in the back movements. Does that make sense?