Group: Competitive Bodybuilding & Fitness

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Need serious help! 3 weeks to get fit.

Posts: 3
Joined: 2009/12/15
2009/12/15, 04:47 PM
Hi there
I have a goal to get as fit as I can in three weeks.
I am very aware it is not much, and that I probably have to work hard and I'm ready for that. I just really need all the help I can get.

I am a 19 years old girl. Very tall (5'10) and not overweight. Actually, since I am lean a lot of people consider me as very thin, but it is only the impression that I give because of my height. I am actually larger than most of my friends.

I am extremely complexed by my body. Even though I am not all that large, I have a very flabby stomach and sides, and the worst part are my cellulite-covered large thighs. I feel and think that I also look perfectly fine fully clothed. I'm not thin but it's fine and I feel okay with that. But my boyfriend bought me this trip to Cuba and we go with lots of friends and I have no idea how I will come out in the daylight with only a bathing suit on. This summer, I went to the beach once and I tried covering myself (especially the lower part of my body) as much as possible whenever I was out of the water. I didn't have the courage to go back after that.

I started Muay thai classes just recently. So twice a week I go to the class and we spend some time with a jumping rope and do abs and a tiny but of crunches and mostly fighting. As for my diet, I try drinking lots of water ,except I'm not sure if I should do that before or after exercising, and what amounts in total? I try eating healthy, but I'm not sure what even counts as healthy anymore. Sandwiches aren't, butter isn't, meat in most places isn't (because i don;t have the budget for restaurants, I'm thinking fastfoods but if I cant even count on subways, what can I count on?). What is? I try hard to eat lots of fruits and vegetables but I'm not that much of a fan of the things so sometimes after forcing it down for too long i have this explosion and end up eating lots of fat food, wasting all of my efforts.

SO that's what I;ve come with so far.
What could I do to have the BEST results possible so quick? I'm not ready to starve myself, I don't consider it healthy, but any tip regarding anything would help. Diets? Foods? Healthy places I can eat cause im rarely home, always on the run? Exercices routine? Even though it's hard I'll do it. Like I said this took me by surprise and I'm desperate to do whatever is needed to have a good time there instead of worrying over my poor physique the whole time.

Please, please help.