Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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Tired of being the Skinny Kid!!!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2009/12/16
United States
2009/12/16, 01:06 PM
Hey everyone, long time visiter to the site, first time poster. Im a 22 year old 6 foot 1 175lb guy has been labled the "Skinny Kid" his whole life and tired of it. Im athletic and have been playing sports competativly ever since i was little. For the past couple of months I have been really trying to get serious about putting on some muscle to no avail. I have been realizing i have a problem with getting "bored" lifting weights. I get half way through my workouts and realize im yawning and not really into "it".

I went to GNC and started taking Men Sports vitamins and tried taking NO2 (I had to stop because it made me jittery and sick) in order to try and increase my energy level during exercises. Ive been doing a basic 3 day lifitn program targeting chest, arms, and back.

If anyone has any ideas on how to help a skinny kid start mass gaining or any supplements/protiens that will help i would really appreciate it. I am a motivated person but I beleive i just simply lack the knowledge and know-how to start gaining some mass on my body.


the skinny kid
2009/12/22, 05:41 AM
go to and look through the program forum should be doing starting strength II 5x5 or Bill Starr's 5x5....the site has both programs layed out in detail as well as plenty others... strength/power forum has a lot of great information FAQ...and lots of knowledgeable posters an
Posts: 3
Joined: 2009/12/22
2010/04/18, 05:30 AM
i have the same problem. im 15 and 49kg, 169cm. i have been trying for the past 3 years to gain weight. i cant get access to any machines but i have a weight bench and some free weights. any tips on how to get weight fast but without machines and supplements.
2010/04/20, 09:26 PM
yes do what i said in the other post. go to those forums and read. machines are not very good for gaining strength/size. use barbell to do lifts like squats, deadlifts, standind presses, bench presses, rows, etc......

gaining weight is a matter of eating/nutrition/total calories so if you're not gaining weight then you're probably eating like a squirrel. track all your calories to get a more objective representation of waht you actually eat not what u think u eat....
Posts: 3
Joined: 2009/12/22
2010/04/22, 04:34 AM