Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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i need help

Posts: 153
Joined: 2002/08/30
United States
2002/09/01, 06:01 AM
i am new to this whole thing workingout etc...a month ago i was just a sitting couch potato. I'm 15 years old 5'8 and weight 175 with a damn belly!!!! I looked in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw and decided I decided to start workingout, get some big muscles to show off and abs for ladies to feel on hehehe, so a friend of mine told me to go to this site. I made an exercise and a nutrition program.

Exercise Program - Gain Muscle Mass Training
Nutritional Program - Fat Loss and Toning

I have some questions cause I am not yet familiar with things related to workouts etc...What exactly does protiens and carbs do for your body? What exactly is metabolism and how do I get a faster metabolic rate. I want to lose weight but should I workout and build my body first then lose some fat? I want to be able to show some abs but for my "belly" lol I don't think itll show so im guessing i'll have to lose some. And last about my nutrition plan all I need to do to meet my goal is to fallow my daily requirements right?
Posts: 153
Joined: 2002/08/30
United States
2002/09/01, 06:14 AM
btw can someone give me some examples of cardio I can do at home.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2002/09/01, 12:29 PM
Well, in a nutshell, weights are the catalyst for muscle growth, and protein is what muscles need for growth. So you have to feed them protein...quality protein. Such as chicken, eggs, tuna, lean meats of any kind and if you can afford it a good protein supplement. Carbs are your glycogen, your fuel. Without adequate carbs, it will soon be like running you car on fumes. Now, the types of carbs are a whole different animal. This does not mean white bread and sugar(basically the same thing anyway). You want useful carbs, brown rice, fibrous veggies, sweet potatoes. You really need to do a research on more, because in this type of forum you are really asking way too much to be explained here. There are a ton of good sites, and I am sure someone will respond with some they have found. is a good one to check all calorie counts of any food, and you can join it too. They will track your progress. Best of luck...metabolism....this will require much more space also just in itself.
Posts: 36
Joined: 2002/08/07
United States
2002/09/01, 05:48 PM
Another way to increase your metabolic rate is to spread your meals out throughout the day. Instaed of eating 2 or 3 big meals every day spread it out to between 4 and 6. Your body will become accustomed to the increased rate of eating, and therefore work harder to get the food digested at a faster rate. Thus, an increase in metabolism.

Mike Wagner

*Music is the soul of society*