2002/11/04, 07:58 AM
I am a 30 yr old female and need more protien in my diet to build muscle and tone, however, I am not a big fan of protien shakes and bars.. I started taking amino acid pills, is this recommended? I train 5 days a week targeting different body parts each day. I also do 45-50 minutes of cardio 6-7 days a week.
2002/11/04, 01:37 PM
That one needs a bit more info before anyone can help with it. When you say "started taking amino acid pills" you need to clarify. Are you trying to get the pills to work in lieu of food? If that's the case, that's not their purpose. You don't have to take protein shakes but you need nourishment during the day.
2002/11/04, 07:16 PM
I would use amino acids(and I do now and always), with my whole food meals. I use 4-6 mass aminos with each meal. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. this will insure you get the proper amino profile from your food, or at least help. Food is highly processed these days, and maybe at best 75-80% utilized. See, protein chains are made of 8 essential amino acids.If any one of these are not present, the rest are pretty much useless for muscle building. If you care to, think of them as letters. If you have 5 C's, 5 A's, and 1 T, how many times can you spell cat? Just once. The rest are discarded because they are useless. If you are not going to take any protein drinks, I do think you will need much more than 4 at each meal. Good luck.
2002/11/06, 07:36 AM
I am taking the pills as a supplement - I take 3 within 1 hour after training. I guess I need to take more? My diet needs improving as far as nurishment goes.. I am starting to eat more tuna and chicken - but it is hard to eat that stuff in the middle of my day. Are there other 'quick' protiens that anyone recommends?
2002/11/06, 09:53 AM
Well, my recommendation of taking amino acids are in addition to, not in place of protein shakes. You admit your nutrition program is lacking??? Yes, it can be hard to eat in the middle of the day. That is where MRP's really shine. (Meal replacement powders). Simply carry a plastic shaker bottle with you, and a couple packets of MRP's, and any time you need nutrition, in a matter of minutes you have good stuff. Not to mention the protein how it will help improve your nutrition and help your hard work in the gym pay off.
2002/11/07, 03:14 PM
I've read in several places that your body can use other amino acids to build essentials that you're lacking. This makes sense as vegetarians and vegans will never get certain amino acids, but can still utilize what they do take in. Growth will be incomplete, of course, but I don't think the acids entirely go to waste. I think there was an article on t-Mag about it.