Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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Am I fat?

Posts: 3
Joined: 2011/04/11
United States
2011/04/11, 01:48 PM
I am 14 and 5'8" and 145. Is that fat? I want to get down to 135 by the end of this month any suggestions? Please Help!:(
Posts: 2
Joined: 2011/07/06
United States
2011/07/07, 04:45 PM
no your not fat im 14 5'7" and way 150 and i dont see myself as fat
Posts: 3
Joined: 2012/01/19
2012/01/19, 11:56 AM
At 5'8" and 145lbs your BMI is around 22, which is in the ideal range. So no, you are certainly not "fat." Anyways, it shouldn't matter whether or not we consider your bodyweight to be high, what matters is how you feel about the way you look, because it's YOUR body.

 Dropping to 135lbs still keeps you within the ideal range for your height, but if you are unhappy with the way you body looks I would try to incorporate strength training into your routine rather than the classic diet/cardio combo girls usually turn to. Strength training will NOT make you bulky, instead it will make you appear more lean and toned. It will also allow you to burn more calories at rest, so any extra fat will be easier to lose.

Good luck!
Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/02/15
United States
2012/02/15, 10:28 PM
Your 14, the biggest thing you should be worrying about at the moment is if your going to pass the 9th grade. Your not fat by any means according to what you claim to weigh. But if your unhappy with your looks, instead of asking people to cheer you up with saying "no your not fat" you should join a sports team, a dance team, use the wii fit, or find a activity that will keep you active and the weight will just melt right off and leave you feeling more confident than anyones comments/concerns every will. You must find yourself to be great just the way you are before other people are going to. Much luck to you.