I am an IBO/stay at home mother/ new model. After I had my son I got that little belly pooch that it seems like is impossible to lose. I work with a company called Nutrilite and they are THE leading brand in vitamins, minerals and dietarty supplements. I didnt really think to try any of their products out right away because I figured I could find something at the store that would work just as well. Well, I didnt, nothing at the drug stores or nutrition stores I bought were working. Im a type 1 diabetic too so I was following a well balanced diet and I exercise everyday 2x for at least 1 hr. I had like 10lbs to lose and that was it so I was getting really frustrated. I finally looked into the nutrilite products...my success in losing my last 10 lbs and even getting some great tone to my body was using the Carb Blocker 2 and Slimmetry by Nutrilite. Both are extremely effective and I was able to find results in a reasonable time frame. I definitely recommend these products to anyone looking to lose weight whether its a few pounds or hundreds of pounds, it works!