Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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fastest safe way to gain lots of lean muscle mass

Posts: 3
Joined: 2012/01/06
United States
2012/01/06, 02:43 AM
im 15 and i go to an all guys school and i am trying to gain a lot of muscle because my school is very competitive and i dont like being the one guy in the summer who doesnt have a six pack or huge bicepts and pecks. im also wondering what supliments i should use for the best results and if a test booster would help
Posts: 789
Joined: 2000/12/01
2012/01/08, 07:08 PM (Edited: george - 2012/01/08, 07:09 PM)
Rock, welcome to FreeTrainers.

First.. I would strongly urge you NOT to use any type of testosterone boosters to make gains. At your age, your natural levels are in full effects and adding any foreign substances in to boost those levels will just shut down your own natural production. These gains from these test boosters are 99.9% temporary as when the elevated levels drop back down to normal you lose your gains.

Instead focus on the basics to make slower, yet permanent gains you can be proud of. Be sure to get in at least 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight in daily. If you wish to use supplements you can look at whey isolate protein, amino acids, glutamine and possibly creatine-based products. These will help you promote recovery, repair and new lean muscle growth.

You also need about 8+ hours of a combination of SLEEP / NAPS total per day.. to do the growing and recovering. As I am sure you know you don't actually do any growing the gym, just the breaking down of the muscle.

Train 4-5 days a week with basic compound exercises, 90 second rest maximum, good range full range of motion and you'll start to see results.