Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Posts: 22
Joined: 2012/03/12
United States
2012/04/16, 11:34 AM
Is taking creatine and other supplements needed to get bulk and tone?
2012/04/16, 04:23 PM
Eat clean. Supplement with whey protein if you feel the need. Otherwise eat lots of  protein.

At 19, you body produces creatine naturally and in ample abundence.
2012/04/19, 04:15 PM
I found a good read for you on creatine.

Know these things.

1- As I said, at 19, your body is producing creatine naturally.

2- Creatine probably wont hurt you but you need to follow instructions carefully and drink ass loads of water.

3- It is always a good idea to discuss supplements other than protein with a Medical professional.

4- This is a big one. Read this a dozen times and apply what I am saying to any supplement's you use. YOU MUST DO YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT RESEARCH. Read that last sentence again.

Here's why I say that and this is the most important thing to understand about supplement companies. They want to sell you supplement.

Here is a really good example. I use Creatine Monohydrate because I'm 59 and my body doesn't produce as much as it used to naturally. I talked it over with my physician and we agreed it was a good supplement FOR ME. One reason that my doctor advised using it was that in addition to being a good supplement for training, it has the added benefit of being good for my heart. Makes sense since the heart is a muscle. Some here would say I'm wasting money on it because I'm a heartless bastard but that's beside the point.

The websight I linked you to suggests a 7 to 14 day loading phase where you take 10-20 grams per day of micronized creatine monohydrate. After the 7 to 14 day loading phase you take 3 to 6 grams per day. Loading isn't necessary but you will see faster results. I take 6 grams a day because I weigh 215. I do not load. I do not cycle.

Here is why you need to do your own research. My jug of Creatine says a dose is one scoop. A scoop contains 48 grams! That is 8 times the amount needed. Guess why they tell you to take 48 grams. THEY WANT TO SELL YOU CREATINE.

Do your own research on everything. Freetrainers is a good place to get pointed in the right direction but you need to use the Google and do your own homework. I still believe that at 19 you are wasting money on Creatine because your body makes more than you can use naturally. But if you have more money than you know what to do with...

As far as taking that 48 gram dose that the supplement maker suggests as opposed to the 6 gram dose you really need guess what happens to the other 42 grams? You just piss it out along with your money.
Posts: 22
Joined: 2012/03/12
United States
2012/04/19, 05:25 PM
I'm taking 5g a day via pills.
2012/04/19, 06:20 PM
It's your money.  I'm talking to a rock.
Posts: 22
Joined: 2012/03/12
United States
2012/04/19, 08:09 PM
But i did do research.
2012/04/19, 10:55 PM
Sorry, I must have completely misread your initial question. Wont happen again. Best of luck.
Posts: 10
Joined: 2012/04/20
2012/04/20, 02:50 AM
Thanks for posting that article, Charlie, it was helpful. I personally am just taking Whey protein, and it's going well.

I know this is off topic, but I have a lot of friends who are taking what's called "Mutant Mass" - it's a protein powder gainer that has over a thousand calories per serving. They all, in the past 2 months or so, have gained insane amounts of muscle mass. It seems all well and good, but I am hesitant because I feel like it might be more about outward appearance. What I mean is, is it just like water weight? I was thinking their muscles might not be as strong as if they used normal powder. 

My progress is much slower, my powder is 35 grams of protein and just over 100 calories per serving - I think this is fairly average. Basically what I want to know is whether or not my time and effort is worth it, or if I should just use Mutant Mass. 

Because Mutant Mass has so many products I found it hard to research it online - especially because it seems like everyone is just telling me to buy whatever the F*** I'm trying to research.
Posts: 22
Joined: 2012/03/12
United States
2012/04/22, 02:37 PM
those mass builder protein is a pain the ass when u try to mix them. so ionly take them after work out.