Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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Need help getting motivated

Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/05/14
2012/05/15, 02:27 PM
Im 21 years old and am pretty active.  The big problem i have is getting motivated to work out and go to the gym.  Once im there i have no problem exercising and doing what im supposed to. Its getting up and getting myself to go to the gym is whats killing me. Does anybody have any tips or suggestions of things that work for them? Would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/05/22
2012/05/23, 09:11 PM
To get myself motivated I made a great play list on my i pod and i always tried to go at a time that the gym had none to very few people. This way it felt more like I was getting alone time and getting a chance to do something for myself because I never get to. 

My current motivation is going to put my favorite pair of jeans on this morning and they ripped because they are too tight now.. so I tried on all my jeans this morning and realised only 2 out of my 9 pairs fit.. so making them fit instead of buying new ones is my goal.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/05/23
United States
2012/05/23, 09:41 PM
I feel like I just read something that I would post because I am the same exact way. I'm also 21 and have a  lot of trouble actually getting myself up and out to the gym so I've been working on a few things to get myself motivated. One thing that I just recently started doing is riding my bike to the gym because the weather is so nice rather than getting in my car and driving. It's also really good warm up to my work out because it's a 20 minute ride so by the time I get to the gym I'm all pumped up and ready to go! I am also gonna start two jars and since my gym membership is 20 dollars a month I MUST go to the gym at least 20 times a month and for every extra day that I go I will put a dollar in the "FUN" jar and every day that I don't go after the 20 times I'll take a dollar out of the fun jar and put it into the "BILLS" jar  but if I go less than 20 times each I have to put 2 dollars in the "DONATION" jar.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2012/01/20
United Kingdom
2012/06/01, 12:49 PM
Hi Redballoon09,  Caitlen and Alysiareeder have given you some great advice. But its down to you! Never go to the gym with out a plan on what and how your going to train. Set some goals. Short term, mid term and Long term. :) Once you have purpose to train. You find it hard to stop training!  Goals that are achievable motivate you so much more than goals which seem distant and impossible to reach! Sit down with a peice of paper and write down five things, exactly how you want to feel and look in six months time. Once that long term goal is set in stone, think then of short term goals. Once you have that clear picture of what you want to achieve on a training day it becomes very easy to jump up and go to the gym. Then when people start to notice (I know its a vain thing) your physically looking fitter your confidence and motivation increases even further. :)  So all it is is Planning and preperation. :D Hope this helps!!
