Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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What to do?

Posts: 2
Joined: 2012/10/29
2012/10/30, 05:36 PM
Hey group! I am 15 years old and I am new to this.
I need to find out any workouts that would help me lose the fat on my stomache. I am a little confused on how this website works with finding exersices though. Any suggestions what I should do to get rid of my gross fat belly? :/
Posts: 3
Joined: 2012/01/01
United States
2012/11/09, 12:00 AM
(sorry it's long but I want to give you a real answer and not something quick)

Well what I can tell you is mostly "broscience" (either not based on scientific evidence or I don't know where to pull the evidence from)

From what I understand we cannot lose fat from a certain part of our body. When we exercise a certain part of our body we are only working that muscle (crunches for your abs or squats for your glutes and legs for example) Now what can happen is if you build a muscle it might displace the fat that was there. (I started strengthing my lower back and slowly saw my "love handles" disappear.)

All that to say, if you want to lose some fat, there are two things that you should focus on. (it's worked for me and I've lost 5-6 lbs roughly)

ONE- Focus of your diet. I don't know how many calories you actually need but everyone says 2,000 calories is a good starting point. If your eating 2,500 you wil gain fat because you have too many calories. (think about trying to pump in more gas than a car needs, how it'll just spill out everywhere)
If you remove roughly 500 calories from your diet, in one week you will lose a pound (you only want to lose 1-2 lbs a week otherwise your body will freak out and think you're starving to death so it'll hold onto as much weight as possible)

So what's 500 calories? Well 2 sodas and a candy bar is about 600 calories. Just remove those and replace them with tea and a banana and your set. The banana will give you the 100 you need so that you will only lose 500. ;)

TWO- For working out I'd say do walking and interval (HIIT) training (cardio). If you don't know what HIIT training is go on youtube and look up "fitness blender". I haven't watched all of their videos but what I have scene I've found to be good. And their bodyweight workouts will work too for your msucles if you want to tone/strengthen them (definitely recommend).

People might argue that walking isn't enough to lose weight but I've scene weight come off. So it's working for me. I'd recommend (if you've never exercised before) to just get out there and walk for a little. As you get used to walking long distances increase either your frequency (walking twice a week to three times a week) or increase how long you walk (10 mins to 20 mins to 30 mins etc.). Only change one aspect first and then add the other as you getadjusted. If you try and do both at the same time you might be fine but you could possibly end up hurting yourself. (it's what I try to follow)

Between the two of these things, diet and cardio, you should see the weight come off. Don't expect it instantly though. Life can sometimes give us instant results but just like a car burning off the gas, it'll take time to shed the pounds but you can do it. If I can as a 24 year old male who's been 205+ lbs all his life and am now at 199-200lbs, so can you. ;D