Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Posts: 3
Joined: 2013/07/04
United States
2013/07/07, 09:16 PM
I am brand new, how do you know what weight to start out with on your machines?
Posts: 4
Joined: 2013/06/25
United States
2013/07/08, 09:06 PM
Depends on what machines you are using.  It will be easier to lift weight on machines that work large muscle groups, so you will go heavier on those.  I'd say start at 30 lbs for arm/back and if it's really easy go up a little at a time.  You can do a bunch more with your legs.  You don't want it to be so hard your form is compromised and you feel like you will bust a vein, but you don't want it to be a cake walk either.  You want a little bit of a challenge! ;-) Myself, I prefer free weights to machines.  On the machines your muscle groups are isolated and this can cause strain on other muscles.  With free weights you can target more muscle groups all at once, so you are doing less but actually doing more.  Just my opinion though! Good luck!  Oh, there are usually people that work at the gym who would be glad to help you and show you how to use a machine or where to start.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2013/07/04
United States
2013/07/09, 05:49 AM
That helps! Thank you so much! I used to do free weights years ago. But did not know that using machines might put undue stress on other body muscles, it makes sense! I guess since I am older now I thought machines would be a bit easier.  Thanks again! GiMarie
Posts: 4
Joined: 2012/12/02
2015/12/30, 06:36 PM
I have a suggestion about the weight to start but its not 100% okej for everyone. It's depending of your body weight. So for example large muscle need mor weight than other.
My weight was 93 kg when I started the gym. My friend( police special forces) suggest that I start with the half of my body weight on large muscles and for small muscles use the half of the half of my body. That is the max . And the minimum is -10 kg.
So shortly
My body 93
Large muscle need max 1/2 of 93 and min (1/2 of 93) - 10
Small muscle need barbell 1/2(1/2 of 93) or min is (-5), and for dumbbell you just divide the weight used on barbell.

Take it easy and be patient 😉
Posts: 2
Joined: 2016/02/15
2016/02/15, 08:43 PM
I am new here, I am 21 male, but according to my age I am so thin and less weighted. Have anyone any suggestion to gain wait as well as body also ?
Posts: 6
Joined: 2016/02/24
2016/02/24, 04:25 AM
I am new here, I am 21 male, but according to my age I am so thin and less weighted. Have anyone any suggestion to gain wait as well as body also ?

--- Hello Swarnadeep. If you want to gain weight then you need to take very high calorie and good fat food. If want a quick result then try some Protein Shake which are high ion calories. Eat Chocolates!