Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Question about my workout routine

Posts: 1
Joined: 2013/10/14
United States
2013/10/19, 03:43 PM
I am new to this website and I am confused.  I have a workout routine selected and I like it, but when I click on the calendar dates for when I am going to work out and they stay the same.  I know I can change the weights as I get more muscle, but am I seriously going to be doing the same thing each week.  And yes, I do realize I can do a different one since I have three to choose from each time, but I am just concerned that it dosen't change.  Am I missing something?  Or is this it?  Thanks for any help!
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2013/10/19, 05:28 PM
Nope, you should do a routine for about 4 to 6 weeks.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2013/10/21
United States
2013/10/21, 11:16 AM
I thought the same for mine... but it just offeres the same ab work outs... but different strength excercises... i guess I am a bit confused too.
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2013/10/21, 02:58 PM
The best advice I can give if you are new and clueless is to follow the routines for the time prescribed.  Learn the routines. Perfect your form. This is really a choice of lifestyle so it doesn't matter if do a workout for 6 weeks and then change goals and try another.

It's like the question most people ask whichb is how much weight on a given lift should I use. There are guidelines to give an answer but the truth is it varies. It will take a while to work past soreness and again perfect form so just stick to it. Eventually you will design your own routines but you need to take time to learn the fundamentals .

If you feel that the routine is too basic, you can add to it. I find that it's easier to overtrain than to undertrain. I try really hard to set goals but more importantly be rigid about times. I strength train 45 minutes 4 or 5 days a week . I try to hit the treadmill 65 or 6 days a week because I'm old. I dance 4 or 5 nights a week because it's great aerobics and my wife enjoys it. But over the years there are way too many activities to list. We swam 3 or 4 miles a day when we lived on a boat.

I think you may want do decide what your goals are. That's a good place to start. Stick to it. Make it fun. I know it's not what you want to hear but the same routine for 6 weeks is a good plan.

Confusion is good . Routine and dedication will cure it for a few minutes. then you'll decide that mountain biking is a good idea and you'll be confused all over again. Then comes yoga....:D