Group: General Fitness & Exercise

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Protein Intake

Posts: 8
Joined: 2012/03/12
United States
2013/12/12, 11:55 PM
So basically im trying to learn how to take protein at the right time during the whole day.... but i dont know when is the right time... I usually workout arounnd 1900-2100... Please help??
Posts: 42
Joined: 2014/12/25
United States
2015/01/07, 10:06 PM (Edited: BeauBody38 - 2015/01/07, 10:09 PM)
How to Take These Proteins

Because whey protein can be absorbed quickly, it is best consumed immediately after a workout. After an intense workout, your body is in a state that craves nutrients. Failure to provide proper nutrition will force the body into a catabolic state (you do not want this). After a workout, you need simple carbohydrates to quickly push the body out of its catabolic state and whey protein to help your muscles rebuild. After my workouts, I drink a shake consisting of sugar and whey protein mixed at ~2:1 ratio. For example my post-workout protein shake consists of(About ~80% of honey is sugar, giving 100g of sugar total.)

50g of whey protein (usually 2 scoops)
100g of pure cane sugar OR 125g of honey
I prefer using 125g of honey because it is more soluble it contains potassium which also aids in muscle recovery and helps prevent cramps.
Because casein protein is absorbed very slowly, it is best to consume this protein before you sleep. The reason for this is because your body goes into starvation every night and runs on catabolism. Sleep is really the best time for your body to rebuild and recover, but it cannot do it if it is in a catabolic state. The slow release property of casein protein provides your body with a constant small source of protein to keep your body from catabolism. My pre-sleep shake is quite simple: water and casein protein (no other non-sense).
Egg proteins fall in between the two extremes and it is also a truly natural gold-standard source of protein. Some people suggest drinking whey protein in the morning to combat catabolism from sleep, but I prefer to incorporate eggs into my breakfast. Why?
One egg contains more than 6 grams of high quality protein containing all the essential amino acids our body needs to build and maintain muscle mass.

I need my breakfast to keep me full longer than 2 hours. Egg protein take longer to absorb than whey protein. Eggs also contain several B vitamins required for energy production (good way to start your day full of energy).

I don’t want to drink protein powders all day.

Eggs is one of the best fat burning foods.

You shouldn’t eat more than 1 egg per day because of its cholesterol content. The good news is that cholesterol is only found in the egg yolk. So my optimal breakfast would contain, 1 whole egg (with yolk) + 1 egg without yolk, giving me ~10g of egg protein to start my day. I opt for 1 whole egg because the B vitamins and other useful nutrients are only found in the yolk.