Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Need to lose 30 lbs

Posts: 2
Joined: 2014/04/05
United States
2014/04/05, 08:50 PM (Edited: Goal_109 - 2014/04/05, 08:50 PM)
How do I add exercises to my workout plan on here? I joined the at home workout group, but there's no exercises in it. I need to lose 30lb's. I'm 22 and overweight for my health conditions. I just need to work on toning my arms and slimming my stomach fat down. Any idea how? Or any effective workout videos on youtube anyone can recommend?
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2014/04/06, 09:44 PM
If you want big arms, do compound lifts that involve the entire body. Compound movements are things like dead lift, squats, lunges and calf work while holding weight, preferably heavy weight. You can't pick a spot to lose weight . It doesn't work like that.

Pick exercises you like doing . You're more likely to stick to it.

Learn to eat properly. reduce sugar , soda and processed food.

The easiest way to add exercises is to use Word and  make a list that includes the workout you got here. Eventually you will create your own.

Don't overlook simple things like crunches, leg lifts, push up, chinning and plain walking or running.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2014/04/07
Sri Lanka
2014/04/07, 04:18 AM
How do I add exercises to my workout plan on here? I joined the at home workout group, but there's no exercises in it. I need to lose 30lb's. I'm 22 and overweight for my health conditions. I just need to work on toning my arms and slimming my stomach fat down. Any idea how? Or any effective workout videos on youtube anyone can recommend?

    you need  to more cardio workouts, Ab workouts like cruchers,situps will help you to reduce fat in your stomatch area.
    Do exercises at least 1 and half hours per a day. you'll definetly get the results. don't forget to drink water enough. Do not eat too      much  fast food.
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2014/04/07, 11:34 AM
You can not spot reduce. That is simply not true. Crunches will not target belly fat. Fat comes off according to your genetics. Mostly it comes off every part of your body at the same time.

Cardiac work is a part of any good fitness plan.

If you want a killer workout that does not require a lot of equipment try Body Rock dot com. That skinny little chick will murder you.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2014/04/05
United States
2014/04/08, 10:31 AM
Thanks guys. My legs are already in shape because I walk a lot and I don't like sugary things or salty things. I don't really eat out either. I just need to learn portion control and more water intake. I have the upper half of my stomach formed. I really just need to focus on the mid section and lower half. I've been working out 45 minutes with cardio (kickboxing), lunges and jump rope. I'm not looking to get bigger arms. I just want to slim them down or tone them. We'll see what happens in a month from now, if real results show from the changes.