Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Circuit training or Pilates circuit training ?

Posts: 2
Joined: 2015/03/31
United States
2015/03/31, 02:19 PM (Edited: Via_Daya - 2015/03/31, 02:22 PM)
I just wanted to know if it would be good to do Pilate exercise moves with the circuit training method. My body type is mesomorphic and as a woman I struggle to not get bulky when I do normally cardio and weight lifting and I eat super healthy, I am also a vegetarian. So I researched what was the best exercise for my body type and I found that Pilates and Circuit training are the best but circuit training includes cardio and strength training and I don't want to risk get more bulky. Pilates have been proven not have a bulking effecto on women and circuit training has been proven to be effective in weight loss and in gaining strength; so I wonder if I replaced cardio and strength training with Pilates, circuit training still have that positive weight loss and strength gain effect? Or would it be negative? Further more, would circuit training with cadio and strength training even make me more bulky or would lean out my muscle mass and make me loose weight?
Also when I workout I will be using body weight, NO equipment!
Please answer! ASAP!!