Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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what routine do you follow?

Posts: 143
Joined: 2004/04/23
United States
2015/10/21, 10:10 AM
So I got back it about 4 months ago from a 6 year hiatus. I started with a 3 day full body routine that consisted of 8 to 10 exercises. I finally put myself on a split this week. 3 day. Sunday - back / tris , Tuesday legs / calves / abs and Friday will be chest / shoulder and bis.

I've had great success with this split in the past. I got to admit it's been nice hitting the weights again.

Anyone on a 3 day split and how do you split it up?
Posts: 411
Joined: 2000/12/26
2015/10/21, 10:41 AM (Edited: Adrian - 2015/10/21, 10:42 AM)
I've never done this split but it looks interesting.  These are the 3-day splits which we're using on the "Gym training workout program":

Variation 1
  • Day 1: back + shoulders + biceps
  • Day 2: chest + triceps
  • Day 3: legs

Variation 2
  • Day 1: back + chest
  • Day 2: legs
  • Day 3: shoulders + triceps + biceps

I always liked the first variation the best, with chest+triceps on the same day.  My only problem with your split would be that my bi's would still be sore on Sunday after Friday's workout, which would affect my back workout.

It's awesome that you're back after 6 years of not training.  I've also been off for just about that long and I'm planing a "late-30's comeback" :-)  I was thinking I might start a challenge for former serious trainers that want to get back into training after some years off.
Posts: 143
Joined: 2004/04/23
United States
2015/10/22, 11:29 AM (Edited: Jac48 - 2015/10/22, 11:35 AM)
Thanks Adrian, it was not easy initially getting back into the grind but after a few times at the gym is all it took. Good luck to you as well.

I've heard good things about variation one, I remember it being a favorite of some a number of years back. I may just give it a try.

Basically just swapping bis and tris.

I like the look of variation 2, and I saw that was one of the workouts this site generates, I was going to pull the trigger on it but I began thinking hmmm.... what if I can't get in a good chest workout after say a heavy set of dead lifts or vise versa what kind of deads will I be able to get in if I pump out 12 sets or so on chest.

Anyway, yesterday was leg day and I'm starting to feel it today. I know tomorrow will be worse :)

Simple workout yesterday really, 5 sets of Squats followed by 5 sets of rack Squats and 5 sets of Calf raises. Ended with some ab exercises and a short bout of cardio.

All and all felt great.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2016/03/05, 02:34 PM
I am still a huge fan of antogonist workouts, and no more than 4 days a week if you are trying to gain muscle. 

When you get to a point where you are 'stale', and no longer feel any progress for prolonged periods of  time, try to split up your reps between heavy and light. Such as if you do say for instance 90 reps per week of chest exercise as a norm, 3 sets of 10 each flat, decline, and incline in the same workout, try maybe the next week to split that up between 3 days, 3 sets of 10 incline the first day, 2 days later 3 sets of flat, etc. I know it means more time in the gym, but just in time getting there and home. Your workout will actually be shorter. Use the same method on whatever your split is, 1 set of 10 only that week. 

A bit of a variation on the heavy/light theme.

Good luck to you.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/04/26
2016/04/30, 01:06 AM
Hi. I do not do any exercise since I am a busy person, but when I gave birth to my first child, I gain weight. I got conscious of my body weight and shape, since I am a busy mother, I prefer working it on my own instead of going out to gym and fitness club. Gladly, I search some useful tips and workout plans on especially for a beginner like me.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/05/02
United States
2016/05/02, 11:26 AM
Hey y'all. Being a mother of 3 you think that weight wouldn't be an issue.. I'm struggling to lose the weight. I've done everything thing but I think the exercise and workouts were not planned well. I even started to watch what I eat and I only drink water. Any advice to get this weight off.