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Motivation how-to.

Posts: 5
Joined: 2009/05/12
United States
2016/01/26, 05:26 PM
Hello and greetings to all. 

I'm writing cause I want to know hoy each one of you motivate yourself to exercise and be healthier. I know some people just have the discipline to exercise everyday, eat healthier meals and stuff but I've been trying for a few years to get a routine going exercise wise and so far no good results :(

¿Any ideas on how to jump start some sort of motivation to really kick into a healthier lifestyle?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/01/12
United States
2016/01/29, 08:35 AM
I think motivation is different for every individuals needs. I used to start and stop working out all the time. I NEVER felt motivated and always quit. This time, it's different. I think my whole mindset for "why" im working out is completely different from any other year. Im not doing it for someone else, or to look good in a bathing suit or to fit into clothes, I'm doing it for me! I was diagnosed with pregnancy diabetes and although it went away when my son was born, I still now have a high risk of getting it later. So for me, it's wanting to be healthier and not wanting to check my blood sugar all day, everyday. I went from NEVER working out for the past 5 years to diving in and going 4 days a week. My alarm goes off, I mix my Cellucor C4 drink, go to gym, put my headphones on, and I don't care one bit about anything else going on in the gym. Meaning, I'm there for me and me only. I don't care if someone stares at me or can do more than me. It's now about me!

Sorry, I know that was long, but once you find the reason that fits for you and know "why" your doing it, then I think you will see a change. And if you're one of those people that are intimidated at the gym, turn your music up and don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Everyone has been there before when they first start. Hope that helps
Posts: 5
Joined: 2009/05/12
United States
2016/02/04, 12:53 PM
What you say is so true and trust me, it helps alot hopefully your tips and experience can help with mi exercising. 

It wasn't that long of a read, specially since it was a great how to from your part. 

Thanks for the information!
Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/02/10
2016/02/10, 03:52 AM
Hello and greetings to all. 

I'm writing cause I want to know hoy each one of you motivate yourself to exercise and be healthier. I know some people just have the discipline to exercise everyday, eat healthier meals and stuff but I've been trying for a few years to get a routine going exercise wise and so far no good results :(

¿Any ideas on how to jump start some sort of motivation to really kick into a healthier lifestyle?

Hi Ruben,
Motivation really has to come from within.
Once you have that, it is sustainable.....which is the aim.

Personally I find motivation is not always there, so what I do is start the workout, not put pressure on myself to finish it....but once I grudgingly start, in 90% of cases I complete the workout.

The main thing is to start, just get moving, if you don't get it done one day, the next day you will, and that's ok.
Posts: 5
Joined: 2009/05/12
United States
2016/02/15, 02:53 PM
The main problem for me is starting each day to workout and not so much the middle of the workout "I wanna stop now" haha Thanks for your comment.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2016/06/20
United States
2016/06/23, 12:46 PM
self motivation is the biggest hurdle if you overcome this, everything will become easy