Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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Doing cardio after long time, need advice!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/10/25
2016/10/25, 09:03 AM (Edited: jvashisht - 2016/10/25, 09:04 AM)
Hi everyone,

This is vashisht. I was 89kgs when I started doing cardio. Mostly i used to run alot and do skipping, both for 15mins a day with no weight training. After 7 months of  doing cardio my weight was 67kg. After sometime I had to stop with the workout due to some issues. Now I am starting again but I have gained a little bit of weight. I have high blood pressure issues and now because of that I cant lift (as said by the doctors). I need to loose weight but now all the muscle mass is gone. If i start again with the cardio till i get slim and control my blood pressure, enough to start with the weights will it affect my health?